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Y/n was holding onto the phone tightly and her face had gone a sickly pale shade of green. She kept staring between me and the picture. Neither of us had known. How long had he been doing this to us?

"I was trying to call him to explain, and then he said we didn't need to lie about a fake wedding if we'd found out." I swallowed hard. "I thought it was a joke. Y/n I don't know what to do."

"We dump him." She pressed the corner of my screen, choosing to delete the photo from my camera roll. "We're erasing him and we're getting married, because now I don't need his approval and you still need a fake wife."

She handed me her phone and directed me to delete every picture of Jimin from her camera roll, doing the same with my own. The pictures looked so foreign to me, expressions of happiness, model grade pictures of Jimin at landmarks, pictures of their hands or desserts shared between them.

"We met around the same time." She blinked. "Jesus what an asshole."

She handed me my phone, apparently finished deleting everything and she stomped into the living room, hand wrapped around my wrist.

"This is my gay fiancé, Jimin cheated on us and we're dumping him together." She announced.

I may have tried a more graceful ice breaker than that. "I'm Lee Minhyuk."

One of her friends blinked slowly, cheese from her pizza caught between her teeth. She spit it out onto a napkin and dropped her slice back into the box.

"He fucking what?"

"Yep, this is Minhyuk. That's Wendy, that's Hyuna and " she continued listing off everyone's names, pointing to each of them in turn. I was probably only gonna remember Wendy right now, but I bowed politely at the introductions.

"Are we gonna talk shit or are we gonna break his shit?" I thought it may have been Hyuna who asked.

"No. He's dumped, we're over him. Deleted." Y/n decided. "We're gonna watch this and start practicing like we're hets."

I had to laugh at that. "Teach me your hetero ways."

i knew I was gonna cry about it more later. But for now, I'd let Y/n have her decisive 'we over it' thing. I had a feeling she'd cry at some point. From what I remember, she'd been a bit of a crybaby when they were little.

The girls passed us plates with pizza slices and turned up their movie, each of us were adopted into a blanket at some point. I wasn't uncomfortable, but I was aware that we didn't know each other. They were doing this for y/n. Everyone was confused, maybe her most of all. But they were all going to support her how they knew best and I felt honored to be a part of that.

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