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Y/n seemed about as thrilled with all of this as I was. I could see her slouched in her car as her mom was letting us inside and I made a move to follow, but turned as soon as the parents got caught up greeting each other. I knocked on the window of her car and she jumped, eyes wide and suspicious as she rolled down the window.

Driving away put the air back in my lungs, the adrenaline rush of rebelling and the extra spite of waving goodbye left me humming with excitement. But there was business to handle. And food to be eaten. And I had to text my mom an apology for ditching.

I let y/n pick the restaurant because there was no doubt this was gonna sound crazy to her. I needed her as pleased with me as possible. I also needed to start off on the right foot.

Stepping out of the car at the family restaurant thingy she brought us too, I swallowed my nerves.

"I'm Lee Minhyuk, it's nice to see you again." He offered, reaching out his hand politely.

"Don't flatter yourself I barely remember you." Y/n rolled her eyes and stalked past me holding open the door impatiently.

I wore a tight lipped smile as I took a seat across from her. "I thought we agreed to talk before you hated me."

"Yeah, you talked. And I hate you." She shrugged candidly.

"You don't get it."

"I don't know what there is to get! I'm not marrying you. I. Have. A boyfriend." Y/n punctuated tapping her hand on the table.

"So do i!" I hissed back.

She sat back with her mouth dropped open and it registered, finally, what I had just said.

Well shit.

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