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I wasn't sure whether or not they'd give me the silly straw, but I was glad they did. Childish as it may be, silly straws are a guilty pleasure of mine. Everyone has more than one guilty pleasure, my own list is hella long. Y/n's eyes were on my silly straw as I wondered idly about her guilty pleasures. She was probably jealous she didn't ask for her own.

"Do you remember living next door to me at all?" She mused, picking walnuts out of her bowl and dropping them onto a napkin.

I slid the napkin to my side of the table and popped one in my mouth, humming.

"Not much. I remember moving away, I think you gave me a dandelion."

She frowned. "Flower childs."

"I feel like we definitely did play together. I just, eh, I didn't focus on it much after we moved." I shrugged.

She nodded, seeming to share that sentiment. "Honestly, I have a pretty bad time remembering things from when I was that young."

"You ready?" I asked, the last of my milkshake getting caught hopelessly in the curlicue of my straw.

"Mh." Y/n nodded, pushing away her bowl and fishing out her keys.

I paid on the way out, hopping back into the car and grinning.

"Do you want me to drop you at yours or mine." She asked.

"Mine if it's not too out of the way." I asked, telling myself it was fine to inconvenience her because she didn't care.

Y/n handed me her phone and instructed me to add myself to her contacts and pull up the route for home.

My parents weren't home yet. "Do you live at home?"

"No, I live closer to my work."

"Ah okay, just wanted to warn you my parents are still at yours."

She nodded once shortly, a small smile twisting her features ever so slightly. "Bye."

"Thanks for dropping me off and missing your plans to talk to me. Bye!" I waved as she pulled away before letting myself inside.

I flicked on all the lights on my way to my room, a habit I've kept since I was little. Dad always complained that it was a waste. I flopped down on my bed, sighing as I scrolled through the contacts, thumb hovering over his name.

He'd been a bit busy lately. A friend of his was going through a rough patch and he had to support them. I understood that completely, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him. Giving in to my selfishness, I pressed call.

"Hyukkie," he laughed breathily, "baby, I miss you."

"I miss you too, is... is it to late to do something tonight?" I bit my lip, eyes shut against what I was sure would be a rejection.

He hummed across the line, I could just see him smirking. He knew the effect he had on me. Thrived off of it. And I was only too willing to oblige, butterflies erupting with every touch and every breath.

"I can pick you up, can you stay over? I work early tomorrow, but we can watch a movie and cuddle."

I was already grabbing my backpack from its hook, "Text me when your outside?"

"I'm on my way."

I scooped up my things quickly, shoving away the thoughts of my parents and the marriage and all of it. I was going to spend the night holding my boyfriend close. And to hell with the complications.

My phone lit up with the text notification and I raced for the door, hand blindly flicking off the lights as I went. I was in his car in moments, leaning over the console to press a kiss to the corner of his precious pouty lips.

"Hey there," he teased.

"Ugh," I settled back in my seat, cradling his hand in my lap. "I missed you so much Jimin."

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