Should I publish my own original fiction?

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I've been thinking of this for the longest time. 

I once tried writing in a few different genres, but unfortunately someone kept duplicating my ideas and blatantly just ripping off of them, so that really discouraged me from writing anything.  As far as I know, no one is plagiarizing my stuff as of now, though it felt very insulting whenever I'd write something only to see someone write something very similar, or just a replica altogether.  But I digress.  I'm over that.

I've had this idea for the longest time.  On the title page, it would have to be credited ©️2021, however the story concept itself dates all the way back to 2013 or even 2012.

The story concept is a far cry from what it once was, and it's evolved a fair deal in those 8 years.  I've written about what it's like to have MaDD (Maladaptive Daydreaming), but not in detail.  Things like music make me very hyperactive, and I like to imagine things in great visual detail while doing so.  I'll listen to something while doing a physical activity (mainly swinging, though also rocking back and forth, and running).  I can visualize and imagine things while idle, but it's not as vivid.  I imagine my characters talking, dancing, fighting, the like. 

This is mainly how my story evolves so much; I think of new things to add or subtract from the story, different timelines, the story has branched off into many different versions of itself.  A lot of it branches off when a character dies (there would be a branch where they live), is born (a branch for a reality where they aren't born), etc.  It's weird. 

That was a lot.  I just like explaining how I imagine things, so I thought giving some insight on it would be better.  Or, it could all just be incessant rambling.  I dunno.

But should I start writing?  Please don't say anything along the lines of 'It's your choice,' or 'Do whatever you want.'  That gives me no insight on your opinion and kinda annoys me.

Thanks lol

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