𝔸𝕌𝕋ℍ𝕆ℝ'𝕊 ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼: So there is a prologue before this chapter that explains the world a bit better, so you might be a little confused. That's understandable. Feel free to share criticism! I don't mind.
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The Good, The bad and The Ugly
"Oh my fucking God! No..." I watched as my buddy Jin stared helplessly into the glass surface, whining yet again. I sighed for the umpteenth time now, tossing the useless, worn down magazine of my lap.
"Dude chill the hell out man, you ain't gonna die anytime-"
"Have you seen my face?! Look at this!" He gestured to the rosy pimple, sticking out rather proudly on his elegant nose. Besides me, Hope snorted.
"The world is ending and here you are, fussing over a dumb boil."
"It's probably the toxicity in the air ya know."
"Would you all shut the fuck up!" Namjoon snapped, walking into the messy office.
"What part of 'Keep it down' don't you get? We could be killed you know." He gave Jin a look.
"Don't patronize me Joonie patootie," the taller's face srunched up at the weird nickname, "I know what you mean but these dumb fucks," he gestured to me and Hope, "were being a little inconsiderate."
Namjoon pinched the bridge of his nose, frustrated. He looked at me, a sigh escaping his lips.
" Robin, please-"
"Oh c'mon he's always fussing 'bout his face! News flash pal, we've seen worse. I mean have you seen Hope-"
"Oh fuck off."
"Only if you watch." I winked at him, and he pretended to gag at the response.
Jin looked disgusted, "nasty little shit."
"Man, if anything is nasty, it's that boil."
"You two legged, poop eating maggot-"
"Maggots don't have legs though."
"This isn't going to work." Namjoon groaned.
"It's been working for a while. Dunno what you saying." I parroted, giving him a large grin. He shook his head.
"Can't we just go one day, one day, without you idiots fighting?" Exasperation evident in his tone.
"I'm suffering!" Jin whined.
"Do I look like I give a flying fuck?" I gestured to my face.
"Ya know there's always a better option. We could always just turn ourselves in." Hope piped in. At that moment everyone turned to face him with withering glares.
"Really man?" To which the orange head just shrugged in response.
"Yeah that's not gonna happen."
I've been stuck with the guys for two years now, it's 2028 if I can recall. And yeah, we're defying the law and yes, we could die any minute right now.
At first it was just me and Namjoon. He was actually my college professor. You know the cliche where the professor is super hot, young and everyone talks about him? Well that was Namjoon. Except, Joon was more than just a pretty face.
The guy was in the top one freaking percent when it came to brains! They said he finished college when he was just seventeen. And at the top of the class too!
Then came Jin, he had a family business that he shared with his older brother, who sadly passed away a few years ago. Despite being a little narcissistic, the guy's cooking skills are incredible, and his resourcefulness was one of the reasons why we even lasted this long.
The last person to join our crew was Hope. No last name folks, nothing. He's a complete mystery. Nobody knows about his job, not even his hobbies. When you ask him, Hope would just quickly change the topic. We knew nothing. Except for the fact that he was insanely great with the gun, and could fight like if it was second nature. We were skeptical of him at first but he proved his loyalty a countless number of times by saving our asses.
And me, Robin as you know. I'm the girl that got sandwiched between this mess. I moved to South Korea to pursue my studies in Computer Science. I left everything behind, my friends, family, my shitty part time job. Worst part is, I can't go back.
But it's pretty fun(sometimes).
"Well it's almost dinner time so, I'll go fix up something to eat." Jin straightened up and was about to walk out before Namjoon grabbed his hand, his face serious.
"Make it quick, we don't want to attract any unwanted attention."
"Namjoon, it's the radiation zone, no soldier is gonna come here."
"What about the scrappers?" Completely forgot about those guys.
The Americans dropped a nuke here five years ago, destroying the entirety of the Gangwon and Kangwon districts. It's a wasteland. In the comic books, you saw how the hero would get superpowers from being exposed to radiation, cool mutations that could make lasers come from your eyeballs. Sadly, that ain't the case. You'll be mutated yes, but not how you think. The only folks that live here are the ones that have nowhere to go. We call them scrappers, and they're not friendly. Not in the slightest. They would roast you alive for meat, and raid your belongings, and that's the generous ones. Trust me when I say, you don't want to deal with scrappers.
Joon must've realized his silent victory. Pointing at the guy sat beside me he spoke.
"Hope you're on guard duty."
I watched as said man nodded and quietly got up, not forgetting to grab the assault rifle that was nestled in the chair next to him. Why does he always get to go first?! He never let's me do anything too dangerous. Ever. That's just how Namjoon was.
It was just the two of us in the room now. The taller man shuffled around, the cold, boss like persona long gone. In its place was just Joon. I brushed my feet against his leg.
"You don't always have to protect me you know. I'm perfectly capable of handling myself."
Joon sighed, "It's not that. I think you're very much capable of dealing-"
"You don't always have to protect me." My eyes softened as I took in his fatigued, mind numbing state.
"I can't help it." He mumbled, sitting down beside me. We sat in silence for a few minutes, ever aware of Jin a few steps away, and Hope stalking around the dilapidated building. The sun had set a few minutes ago. And it was just us in this room, alone.
I looked over at the man who was my teacher. I wasn't angry at him for not wanting me to go. I too, was scared for myself. But I couldn't sit down while everyone protected me.
"Is it because of your sister...right?" I tentatively reached for his hand, gently holding it. His sister was a touchy subject for him. Like many of us, he lost someone special to him. Joon rarely speaks of her, and when he does it is in hushed conversations. He let out a breath.
"Maybe." He mumbled.
I gave him a small smile,
" It's okay but please," I turned fully to face him, hand in hand,