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Aerumdam was trying. She really was. She was really trying to make sure that she wouldn't fall asleep. She tried every possible method to make sure she didn't sleep.
"Aerum come on please sleep..."
Aerumdam looked at her husband and sighed. His midnighblack hair was messy and his dark brown eyes were full of concern. Areumdam sighed and shook her head.
"Tae go back to sleep you know I can't"
"Aerum stop just stop. You are not cursed okay. Just because the last 2 nightmares came true doesn't mean this one will. It's just a coincidence. "
Aerumdam's purple eyes hardened as she stared at her husband. How could he even say that. He knew how much she was suffering because of her nightmares. The first time it happened she was sure it was a coincidence. She had dreamt of a teen girl with beautiful teal eyes and tightly curled brown hair being hit by a drunk driver. The next day while she was walking home from her job she saw the girl with teal eyes and brown hair walking across the street. Aerumdam couldn't move. She couldn't move when she saw the same car from her dreams. She didn't move when the car had hit the girl. After that she ran home and cried in Taehyung's arms for the whole day. Eventually he had convinced her that it was probably a coincidence.
The same night when she went to sleep she dreamt of a woman with gorgeous green eyes and straight thick black hair being stabbed by a hooded stranger at the local grocery store. The next day Taehyung had asked her to get some groceries since they had run out. While paying for the food she had seen the same girl from her dreams. This time she ran towards the girl and told her to run away. The girl ignored her. The hooded figure drew near and Aerumdam had run to save her life but failed. The girl was dead.
When she had gotten home she had gone straight to Taehyung and told him that she was cursed. Since then she hadn't slept. It had been one week and she was determined not to sleep no matter what. At first Taehyung seemed to understand and tried to help her. Now he was telling her that it was a coincidence.
She walked up to her husband and glared at him.
"How could you say that Tae. TWO PEOPLE HAD DIED BECAUSE OF ME. TWO LIVES."
Aerumdam broke down. She hugged Taehyung and cried.
"Am I crazy?"
She sounded broken. Taehyung's heart was breaking into a million pieces.
"No Aerum you're not don't say that I didn't mean to say that"
Taehyung kept whispering those same words over and over again. Much to his relief Aerumdam had fallen asleep in his arms. He stared at her pale face. How could someone look so beautiful and sick at the same time?
He took his wife to their room and covered her with a blanket. He placed a kiss on her forehead and cuddled her. He hoped whatever was happening to her would just stop. Many people had called her cursed because of her eyes but she'd never care. Whatever was happening with her now was making her believe all those idiots words. He sighed as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Taehyung was jolted awake by the sound of someone's scream. No not someone. It was Aerumdam. He quickly got up and realized that she was screaming in her sleep.
Aerumdam's eyes opened and she quickly got off the bed.
"D-don't come near me"
"Aerum what's wrong?"
"T-tae I had another dream."
Taehyung grew more concerned.
"What happened in your dream?"
She looked at him like he was going to attack her at any moment. She shook her head.