ℙℝ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕋: Start the story with "In this town the dead don't stay dead"
𝔽𝕆ℝ𝕄𝔸𝕋: "Chapter one"
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Hi, I'm Alia and I'm the 16 year old girl that died at her own hand and came back to life after 4 days as something that I wouldn't describe as human.
My skin was constantly hot, people didnt recognize me and most of all I never got tired. I was obsessed with Vampires when I was alive so that was my first conclusion but no bloodlust or the inability to walk into the light so I crossed it off.
Of course I had no more ideas until I was pulled into a alley way by a tall guy, hair neat with cute dimples.
"Alia,you need to come with me." He said, he grabbed the girls hand and ran at full speed towards the wall at the end of the alley. Alia tried to stop the man but she failed so she closed her eyes waiting for impact but all she felt was a chill run threw her body.
She opened her eyes to see what had happened. Her body felt less hot now which she found surprising considering the fact that she was surrounded by flames.
"Another one? What is with teenagers these days and committing suicide?" Another male asked walking up to the pair.
"Excuse me that quite insensitive." Alia called out the man.
"Yoongi you took your own life too." The man standing next to the girl said sheepishly.
"Surprisingly worst mistake of my life." He stated.
"Alia I'm Namjoon. The main guardian angel." He introduced.
"Guardian angel? Okay assuming you telling me the truth. What do you guys do?" Alia asked not buying it.
"Well we are assigned to troubled teenagers in Hope's to save them." Namjoon answered. "Then why did I not get one...since I'm here I would say I needed one." Alia said skeptically.
"Its only the 2 of us so far Alia. We need someone who went through a lot so they could help others to the best of their ability. Someone who learned from their situation. Someone willing to save another. Yoongi was assigned to you but the day he was send out... you were transformed into one of us." He explained. "So I'm one of you now? Okay but mhmm... Yoongi doesn't really seem like the type willing to help." Alia said looking at the boy who rolled his eyes.
"The reason he ended up here was because he was to willing to help others and neglected himself. You two are similar in that sense." Namjoon said.
"Well in that case how do I get started?" Alia asked excepting her fate.
Alia all of a sudden lost sight of everyone else and focused on her surroundings.
"Wait am I in hell. Is guardian Angel's some type of demons put on community service?" the girl said a little freaked out.
"No we are not in hell. We are special in the sense that we were just not so lucky in life. Set on a path that only ended badly for us. A lot of people go down this path get chosen for different roles to keep the earth functioning. We are merely chosen to preserve the lives we can." Namjoon spoke ushering the others along.
"We dont reside here either it is just a passage way to get to where we need to. We live amongst humans. I'm guessing you felt how hot your skin is. It's normal at the beginning. Your body is going through changes. You wont feel tired for a while too. Soon things will go back to normal. You'll still need sleep but you will need less then a human. Your body will not be able to get sick like humans do but do be careful once bonded with a human. Your progress can affect your physical wellbeing." Yoongi spoke like what he just said was an automated response.
"Let's show you our home them."Namjoon smiled grabbing your hand and walking into a flame.
You we transferred into a beautiful house. It was average sized and was decorated very simply with blues ,whites ,greys and blacks.
"Its yoongi's work. He was studying to be an interior designer when his parents refused to pay for him to go to musical school." Namjoon explained when he saw the girl admire the work.
Suddenly a blue light flickered. "Well Alia it seems like it time to get to work."Yoongi said calmly looking up at the lights on the ceiling.