ℙℝ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕋: "By the time I got outside, the sun was gone"
𝔽𝕆ℝ𝕄𝔸𝕋: "Chapter one"
𝔸𝕌𝕋ℍ𝕆ℝ'𝕊 ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼: This is my first time writing and english is not my first language but still I hope you liked it! Have a nice day < 3
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It was 3:45 pm. I was the only student left in this horrible place ( school ). I happen to have this punishment called "detention". Psh. Like who gives detention for just speaking out your mind?!
You see the teacher was making fun of my classmates new hairstyle ( which gave her confidence by the way! ), and I hated that fact so I told her to stop. Then she asked me " eXcUsE mE? YoUnG LaDy blah blah blah" so I told her that she shouldn't be making fun of something that gives the person confidence. Then guess what?! She gave me detention! A freaking Detention! Ugh.
I grabbed my pen and notebook and started to scribble some images. It calms my mind when it's all over the place.
"10 minutes left mit, You can do this." I mumbled to myself.
Yes mit, It's short for Michaela Trina De Valle. I hate my name so I just tell everybody to call me Mit. I know it's weird but I happen to like it.
I continued scribbling images and when the clock striked four I instantly stood up and put my notebook and pen inside my bag and just grabbed it. I was walking down the quiet hallway, which is weird because usually the teachers are still roaming around. By the time I got outside the sun was gone. Sh*t. Sh*t. Sh*t. What the heck is going on?! To make things even worse I heard the siren ringging and I couldn't use my phone because there's no service! What the hell?!
As I was panicking ( dumb I know ) I heard an awful shriek outside the school gates. And I just stood there frozen. I saw an awful creature trying to break the gate. What the hell?! And the worst part is I can't move. Sh*t The creature was halfway through when suddenly someone grabbed me and dragged me to the schools bridge that connected the two building. He stopped by the cafeteria and grabbed every food he can possibly take. I also saw his other hand holding a bag that looks full. By the time he finished he dragged me again through the halls, until we reached a door. He instantly opened it and pushed me inside. It was the CCTV room. I looked at the monitor and saw the creature already broke the school gates. I looked around silently and saw that he already prepared some stuff. There was blankets and flashlights. He also organised the food he brought and the supplies that was on his bag.
It was so awkward as hell but I couldnt bring myself to speak. I'm still schocked seeing that awfull creature trying to make its way throught the gates. What the hell is going on? I want my mom and my dad TT.
"Why didn't you run?" He asked me
"I don't, I couldn't, I, I dont know" I stuttured.
"Here drink this" He gave me a bottle of water and I immediately accepted it.
I drank the water and I calmed down or so I thought
"What the hell is going on?! What was that.. that.. THING?! Why is it breaking the school gates and who the heck are y-" I wasn't finished with my nagging when he put his hand on my mouth and the other one supported my head. He was really close to me and I felt my heart thud a bit.
"You're so loud. Shut it. It might hear us!" He whispered shouted. He let go of me after that.
"Taehyung. Just call me Taehyung. That thing you were talking about is a science rat. Some stupid scientist was messing up with a pig and viola!" he answered like it was no big deal
"Are you crazy?! How can you be so calm?! What if it kills us or eat us or-"
"Ugh. Lady I just saved your ass can't I get a Thank you?!" He said
oh right...
I awkwardly cleared my throat and told him thank you.
"You're very much welcome" he said...with a stupid smirk on his face...
"Whatever emo!"
Hmph. I stared at the computer screen and saw that lab pig is already gone. I sighed in relief. I rummage through my bag and looked for my cellphone luckly I wasnt stupid enough to leave it. I tried calling my parent and my friends but they wouldnt answer. My gosh! What am I supposed to do?! Mommy!!! TT. Can this day get any worse?! 1st I got detention for doing the right thing. 2nd I saw a lab pig breaking the school gates 3. I'm stuck with this stranger named Taehyung And lastly THE SUN IS GONE!! AND IT'S STILL 5 PM. OH YEAH..
"WHY THE HECK IS THE SUN GONE?!" I asked...loudly
He closed his eyes and calmed himself. "Look as far as I know That creature we saw was a Science rat and -"
"I know! You already told me remeber!"
"Can you let me finish?!"
"Okay so long story short I don't know. I was just walking around the school when suddenly it dissapered, then I checked my phone and the news said that there has been a breach and they also don't know how and why the sun's gone so they advised us to find shelter food water and some supplies. So I did and I was about to go to the nearby mart to grab some food. Then the next thing I knew the cell service was gone and I saw you standing by the door staring at the creature so there I saved you and so I had no choice but to grab the remaining food at the cafeteria. There happy?" He umm explained
But I wasnt really listening...
All I know is the world is in a state of apocalpyse...