"A Poem To A Poet"

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𝔸𝕌𝕋ℍ𝕆ℝ: @lovely_seokjinnie

ℙℝ𝕆𝕄ℙ𝕋: someone who thought they were unlovable attracts the attention of a bubbly, happy person who falls in love with them and wants to raise their self esteem.

𝔸𝕌𝕋ℍ𝕆ℝ'𝕊 ℕ𝕆𝕋𝔼: I wrote it in the perspective of the "unloveable" person after they learned to love themselves. The poem is kind of like a thank you to the person who helped them (in this case, I actually wrote it about how BTS brought me out of my depression and showed me the best in me)

 The poem is kind of like a thank you to the person who helped them (in this case, I actually wrote it about how BTS brought me out of my depression and showed me the best in me)

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Oh dear,
It seems I've fallen
In love with you.
But is that what this is?

It feels more like
I've finally
found home.
And I just want you
to let me know:

How many times have you heard the same story?

You might just have
saved me
from a lot of
pain and misery.

Funny how I'm
indebted to someone
so far away.
Someone who truly
knows my name.

And you continue
to save me,

Is there any way
I could repay you?
Maybe I'll see you
in my next interlude.

But don't worry,
I've got you too.
This poem is
just for you.

You never walk alone.

Even in the rain,
I think of your name.
A name that has
caused euphoria.

And maybe this
is my epiphany.
And maybe you're
my serendipity.

But even through
my singularity,
You've been
my first love.

You've shown me
a reflection of myself
that shows me
the most beautiful moment in life.

Before you
I was drowning.
So please
don't leave me.

I know it's coming,
but I'm not ready
to let go.

You've given me
the best of me,
and I plan to do
the same for you.

So through our
shared pain and sorrows,
let's just dance,
like there's no tomorrow.

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