Prompt Page

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Here are the prompts. Interpret them as you will~


📚 Include the phrase "By the time I got outside, the sun was gone"

📚 Two shy people picked to go apple picking for a school project

📚 Two people/a group of people wash up on an island after a shipwreck

📚 Popular girl falls for school rebel/bad boy

📚 There is a huge black tower, and nobody knows what's inside

📚 Vampire and a werewolf; sworn enemies, meet for the first time.

📚 One wants a new pet. The other is selling kittens.

📚 Start with the sentence "In this town, the dead didn't stay dead."

📚 One has just opened up a quirky little coffee shop

📚 Start with the sentence "Since the snow came..."

📚 Someone who thought they were unlovable attracts the attention of a bubbly, happy person who falls in love with them and wants to raise their self esteem.

📚 A post-apocalyptic comedy

📚 A person goes exploring and finds something interesting in the forest.

📚 A couple has moved to a place that one of them loves and the other hates.

📚 A character has a nightmare

📚 They are stuck in the elevator overnight.

📚 The power goes out when they are in the middle of a movie.

📚 Back from the future to save the past

📚 Two people are introduced, but they have already met and won't admit it.

📚 They are already in love, but something tests their relationship

📚 "Will you go out with me?" "Uh... Alright, why not," A relationship started by one in love and the other non-committal and bored.

📚 Trapped in a haunted house

📚 Ferris wheel breaks down with them at the top

More will be added as and when


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