4| questions with no answers

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4| questions with no answers

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4| questions with no answers

    "The Cullen's," Jessica clarified, catching Lux's confusion. She looked out the window, lazy eyes and chin resting in the palm of her hand. The way Jessica spoke of them made it seem like they were celebrities, she gasped for air and brought her hand to her chest. Lux was utterly disappointed when she was faced with a beautiful group of extremely pale teens. Their looks were unearthly from the bulky guy and the small pixie haired girl that reminded her of a fairy. To her best try, she was able to tune out almost everything Jessica had said other than the basics.

Lux looked back to Bella, to see if she too had been sucked in to the sight of this foster family Jessica had been going on about. She let herself follow her line of sight, eyes landing on who seemed to be the last one of the group. He held a big contrast to the others. Where they walked in pairs, coupled up, and in shades of light colors he wore darker colors. He looked bored of everything and anything as he stepped inside. He was the one Bella had been staring at so intensely.

"That's Edward. He's totally gorgeous, of course, but don't waste your time. He doesn't date. Apparently none of the girls here are good-looking enough for him," Jessica spoke up, possibly catching Lux's tilted gaze toward. Frankly she didn't care much for being caught staring, and that she was sure of considering he'd lifted the corner of his lips at Jessica's almost self deprecating comment.

Edward Cullen was not much for the gossip around the school despite the load of it that filled his head in passing periods. The news of a new girl didn't strike him as interesting and frankly he didn't care enough to listen closely for a name. Not that he had to when all he heard throughout the day was: "She's kinda hot, the new girl Lux." "Did you see the new girl? Lux?" "I have English and Government with Lux, she's hot kinda quiet though." "She's sorta got an RBF face right? That's what I thought." And as much as he wanted to scream for others to just shut up he couldn't for obvious reasons.

Even in the lunchroom, the mere mention of his name coming from the person who was the least bit fond of had him close to rolling his eyes. Jessica Stanley, surely if he had nightmares she'd be the star of them. Her constant undressing of him with her eyes, thinking about him inappropriately and her lack of understanding that he was not interested in having dinner at the diner.

"Oh god don't tell me Lux is into him too, well good luck to her nobody is worth his time," she thought. Edward couldn't hold back the smile, the bitterness in Jessica's voice reminding him that maybe she was beginning to accept that they would never be together. She was much too shallow and there was a list of reasons why he'd never choose Jessica but the main being that he simply wasn't attracted to her.

It was the first real moment he was able to get a look at the new student. At first he wasn't too interested, but after the constant buzz even he would let himself succumb to the school gossip if it meant focusing in on one person's thoughts and not a trillion of them.

"So anyway, isn't Lux kinda a weird name?" Jessica asked. Edward was unable to see the girl's face clearly, her back was turned toward him and she wouldn't budge so his only choice was to use what Jessica saw to paint him a better picture.

She was close to above average. Tan skin that reminded him of caramel. Long and straight black hair that held a shimmer to it, seeming like it weighed due to the thickness of it. It framed her face quite nicely actually, cupping her cheeks and structuring her jaw more. Even when she pushed it behind her ear Edward could admit she was conventionally attractive. She had a small beauty Mark on her cheekbone, the smallest patch of a dark circle just under the light bags from lack of sleep. Her eyelashes were short and straight but it didn't make her eyes look any less than lovely. They were on the smaller side, an almond shape with hooded eyelids. Her double lids were barely noticeable, very faintly there but he could see them better when she'd tilt her head to the side. Her eyebrows were neat and almost straight, they made her eyes look like the ends angled upwards and her dark hair was parted down the middle.

Her ears were piercing many times over, he counted three on one side and four on the other, though she only had two earrings in on her lobes and a cartilage one higher. Her collarbones popped out slightly from her fitted shirt and he could see a gold colored thinly chained necklace with a butterfly. He caught the sight of her fidgeting, fingers lightly playing against each other, her clear polish causing a small shimmer.

He shifted his gaze to the window, so others wouldn't question why he'd been staring at the "Say No to Drugs" poster for the past minute or two. He let himself zone back in, wondering if she'd finally gotten annoyed by Jessica's insane questions when he found her back toward Jessica as she spoke to Bella.

Bella was a mystery to him, he never knew what she was thinking and that was saying a lot considering he knew what everyone was thinking. Actually, he'd like to know what Lux thought about his biology partner. Bella was nice, she was quiet and to herself but Edward didn't mind the silence that came from sitting next to her. The first time he met her he thought he'd been attracted to her, that the silence she brought was comforting and affectionate. It took him a trip to Alaska to realize that was not the case.

And the more he focused on Lux, the more a faint smell of the sweetest scent he'd ever stumbled upon filled his nose. It made his mouth dry and his lungs gasp for air like it was completely consuming him. It couldn't possibly be Lux right? He'd never smelt something of this sort, been so engulfed by it. Yet here he was, eyes falling shut as he tried focusing in on the scent to maybe pinpoint it on something better, and possibly know what she was thinking.

But he blanked.

Absolutely nothing. With Bella even if he couldn't read her mind she was awful at lying or hiding her body language so it was easy to understand what she was thinking. Right now he was trying his hardest to focus on Lux, on if she was thinking about the dried salad or bad weather, yet nothing came.


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