21 | in the past

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21 | in the past

"So you and Cullen, huh?"

Lux looked completely taken back by the question, staring at Mike like he had two heads. For once she felt happy that the Cullen's weren't at school today. It would feel way too awkward if any of them, especially Edward, heard her try and have this conversation with Mike. She couldn't even give him a straight answer because yes, she's obviously with Edward in some way but as of now it's hard to tell.

She also highly doubts Edward worries about labels, as long as he knew Lux felt the same. Even if she didn't feel the same, that probably wouldn't change Edward's feelings toward her.

"Um, kind of?" Lux finally answered him as she looked around at all the students in the lunch room. The Cullen's were absent today and though Lux knew Edward wasn't the type to use his phone a lot, it would have been nice to at least be informed.

"Kind of or no? Or yes?" Mike pressed as the other began to arrive at the table. Once Lux saw Bella arrive, she tried to change the subject, "What is everyone doing tonight? Anyone want to catch dinner at the diner?"

Jessica gave her a teasing smirk, "You gonna bring the Cullen's with, will they even let you leave?"

That seemed to annoy her a little more than necessary. She understands that the Cullen's are a big deal here even if they don't know why, but does hanging out with Edward a few times at school mean that she suddenly belongs to them? She's never even spoken to the other Cullen's so what's the point in roping them all together as one unit?

"Why is everyone asking about them so much? I can't ask my friends to get dinner with me just because I want to?" Lux asked looking at all of them, "Last time I checked I've never even spoken to the others."

They were all quiet for a moment, some tension and guilt rising that Eric tried to break with a nervous laugh, "Yeah! Lux wants to get dinner later and I just want to say is I'm always down, baby."

"Ugh," Jessica groaned as she looked at him, "I'll go if he stops calling every girl that."

"I don't call you that." "Because I don't let you." "Oh sure, that's why."

"Bella?" Lux asked her who had been sitting quietly. She gave a small shrug of her shoulders, "I've got to make dinner for Charlie."

"I'm sure he'd be fine if you take him something to go."

       After school, the group ended up leaving to the restaurant for an early dinner. Lux hadn't heard from Edward all day or even yesterday night and it's not that she felt worried that he was doing anything. She would just prefer to know how he's doing. She looked to the group for a distraction though.

"Who's riding with who to the dance?" Mike asked looking at everyone. The dance was still a couple weeks away but it seemed to be the only exciting thing in Forks to look forward to since it's been all talk since she moved a couple months ago. Lux didn't answer since she had no plans of actually going to the dance so instead she let Angela and Jessica do most of the talking.

She was half tempted to call Edward and see if he wanted to stop by later, maybe even spend the night this time with her permission. And she tried and tried to pay attention to her friends since she was the one to initiate this hang out but instead was too distracted staring at the woods to notice.

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