17| in her room

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17| in her room

        He didn't expect to feel so nervous. The walk back to the car had been silent, maybe both reeling in by how intense it had been. Had he been too forward? Too much at once?

It was so quiet too. Almost eerie. Other than the blurred background noise of nature and it's inhabitants he couldn't hear anything else. All voices gone or so far they came out even quieter than usual. It was expected considering the miles between him and town but it was unusual. It reminded him of his own thoughts since they were all he could hear at the moment.

Of course Lux was there, he knew she was there. Her heartbeat was steady, footsteps echoing his own, crinkle of your clothes with each step. He heard it all except what he'd wanted to hear most. Just one thought. That's all he wanted to hear. A hint at what she could possibly be thinking at the moment.

"Music?" He cleared his throat, fingers on the stereo looking to her for a hint. She buckled in carefully looking over to him and avoiding his gaze, "Sure."

So he played the radio, some static at first but with some tuning he found a station she might like. He needed to remember what bands and artists she liked. He's seen them in her room but he very obviously can't go just based on that. She has no clue he's even been inside before.

He pulled into the driveway, neither one making a move to end their day. Lux assumed it'd have to be her to decide to leave. Edward wasn't going to kick her out of his car but she was tempted to know what would happen if she didn't leave.

"Do you want to come inside?" She had asked him now turning to look at him as she undid her seat belt. It didn't take much convincing when he was nodding his head, "Yes but I'll go leave my car at the house. I'll be back in a few."

Lux took the fastest shower anyone could ever imagine and changed into her night clothes. Edward had to drive back to his house but she's sure it wouldn't have taken him long to be back on foot. What she hadn't t expected when she left her bathroom was for Edward to be there outside her window waiting anxiously to be let inside. She let him in, her wet hair dripping water onto his hand when she helped him inside.

Edward took a small sniff of her new scent, still sweet but now some lavender and vanilla paired with it. Lux pulled away first, "Hi."

"Hi," he smiled shyly stuffing his hands in his back pockets as she looked back to him. Now that they were alone in her private spaces it felt a little suffocating but in the best way possible. He was completely drowning in her essence but it didn't bother him as much as it used to. He was ready to ask her for an in depth tour when he heard the sound of a car running distantly pulling up to the driveway, "Your mom's here."

Lux only shrugged stepping away from him to her vanity where she combed through her damp hair. Just then, the front door opened and as if on cue the house phone began to ring. This time, Lux did excuse herself saying she'd be right back and closed Edward into her room alone.

She rushed down the hardwood staircase toward the kitchen, her mom still dressed in scrubs at the counter holding the phone to her ear.

"She just came down, give me one second Luke," her mom said putting the phone on mute and handing it to Lux. She shook her head biting her lip nervously, "I don't want to—"

"Jesus Lux he's been calling like once a week just answer the damn phone."

Lux snatched it out of her mom's hands rolling her eyes as she took him off mute, "Hello?"

She begged for dear life that Edward couldn't hear but she had a feeling he'd be able to hear as far as Luke's voice through the phone. She glared at the back of her mom's head as she dug around for leftovers in the fridge hearing her own stomach growl so she poured herself a bowl of cereal.

"Lux, hey, I just... you know I just wanted to see how you've been doing with the move. I feel like you've been busy lately, I've tried calling you."

"It's been fine, I've been settling," Lux bit her lip nervously as she stepped away from the kitchen, "But just out of curiosity is there a reason you keep calling? Is something wrong?"

"Well, if I'm being honest I just miss you. And I've got a long weekend coming up and I wanted to see if I could drive down to see you?"

Lux froze as she reached the bottom of the staircase. Edward just beyond the other side of her bedroom door.

"You broke up with me, remember? I don't think it'd be a good idea to do that," Lux cleared her throat taking small deliberate steps up the stairs.

"I'm just asking as friends that you think it over. Wouldn't it be nice to see an old familiar face? Listen, it won't be for another week or two so think it over? Please?"

"Fine but I gotta go," Lux said her goodbyes and hung up. When she got back to her room worrying away at her bottom lip as it was pulled between her teeth and set the phone down on her desk. She looked to Edward who lied on one side of her bed, eyes closed, brows furrowed in concentration.

"Sorry," Lux mumbled making sure her door was locked as she sat on the edge of her bed with her bowl of cereal.

"It's alright," he smiled warily watching the movement of her jaw everytime she took a bite. He wanted to ask about the guy on the phone, clearly an ex partner, but he wasn't sure how or what to even say.

"Did you hear any of that?" Lux asked him suddenly looking at him as he nodded his head slowly, "He's just an ex, we broke up a few months ago, even before I moved here."

"Is that why you two ended?" He asked now more confident in asking questions, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No," she shook her head, "It's okay. Luke is one year above us and he was going to college down in San Diego in August. When I found out I was moving I told him and he really didn't think long distance would be worth it so it ended before I even moved out here."

"Do you regret it?" She turned to look at him again setting her bowl down on her desk, "Regret what? Moving here? Not anymore."

"What about not being with him?" Edward knows he's walking on thin ice now. He shouldn't want to know but he needed to. It's like, part of him still thinks it's best he kept Lux at a distance so she'd never get caught up in his world—and the other part is begging to bring her closer than before.

Their eyes locked and he can hear the exact moment her breath hitched, his eyes scanning her expression for any sign to know what she was thinking. He could hear her mother's thoughts clearly but not hers—he'll try not to listen from now on, he can't say he likes what her mom is thinking about her.

"I don't regret not being with him," she told him coming around the other side of the bed—the side she usually slept on—and lied down next to him cautiously, "I've never felt this way for anyone else like I'm feeling for you right now."

If he had a beating heart he swears it'd be racing at the moment. Their eyes locked on each other once more, Lux laughing nervously, maybe she'd read into their growing relationship too quickly? Maybe his silence meant that he was uncomfortable with her saying that? She tried to change the subject, "Enough about me, tell me about your past relationships."

He took her hand in his feeling the warmth begin to run up his arm giving him a tingly sensation, "I have never been in one."

She froze, "How old are you? Actually."


"And you've never been in a relationship or in love?"

"Never, well, until now though I'm not sure if you'd appreciate my intense feelings for you this early on," Edward cleared his throat looking at the time. Oh thank god it was late.

"But it's late now, we can talk more about this tomorrow. You should get some sleep," he mumbled already moving to stand up. She held onto his shirt, "You're not going to stay?"

"Do you want me to? I don't sleep."

"Well if it's boring for you the—"

"Never, I like watching you sleep."



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