12| ocean drain

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12| ocean drain

"You came!" Mike was the first to spot her, all their cars parked at Mike's dad's shop. She looked around him finding the regular people she saw on a daily being Angela, Jess, Bella, Eric, the usual. And some others from class they shared together.

"I didn't believe Bella when she said you would," Mike cleared his throat, "I didn't take this for being your scene."

"Will you ride in my car?" He asked her, watching as she stepped toward the group, "It's either that or Lee's mom's minivan." She looked to the van, seeing a small crowd form around it. "Sure," she shrugged looking back to him.

He smiled gleefully, "Great, you can have shotgun."

Okay, she'd been to beaches hundred of times living in the bay, but never quite like this. The water was a deep and dark gray even with the shine of the sun beaming down against the surface. The entire environment was a place of dark hues or blues and grays with gray ragged rocks lining the shores and shear cliff sides and summits. There was small line of shore before reaching large smooth blouses painted in grays, greens, lavender. Floating driftwoods on the tide lines and washed up shells and critters.

Once they'd settled at the beach, Mike was quick to lead her to a burning fire. Showing her the color of the blue fire due to the sea salt or whatever he had explained. It was nice to have a talk with him in such way but she didn't want to spend the rest of the afternoon like this. She didn't want this to be seen as a date by anyone, and she worried their proximity and exclusion of others would come off that way.

It came to make a decision to either join some of the others and Mike in search for tide pools, or enjoy some time to herself at the van with Angela who felt the same. She didn't want to be antisocial. She wanted to show that she can grow to like this place and get used to it, but she felt no motivation to move. Not interested in tagging along behind Mike and some of the other pro-hike guys and Bella she sat behind with Angela.

"I wonder how Bella is feeling," Angela said looking up from her back feeling Lux's presence sitting in the back of Tyler's van. Lux's brows furrowed, "Is she feeling sick or something?"

"Not necessarily, I think she invited Edward but he didn't show, she'd mentioned it a couple days ago," Angela continued. Lux didn't even know that Bella and Edward were close of friends of sort. She noted the way Bella would often stare at him but she tried not to make any assumptions. Had Bella been his friend or possibly interested in him? Had she been to blind by her own confusion about the guy that she missed Bella's signs of knowing him more deeply than Biology partners?

Edward tried convincing himself otherwise. He tried everything in him today to not get in his car and drive to the La Push and break a treaty. The only reason it'd even crossed his mind was Mike's insistence to try and conquer Lux. For days on end was he stuck listening about the beach trip. About him thinking about going on a hike with Lux and getting her to kiss him. About him convincing her to give him a try with a date or whatever else she was up for.

He'd even thought about going under the pretense that he'd been invited by Bella for a reason he could not understand too clearly. He had a small feeling Bella was interested him so he had to hold back from storming over to find Lux. He wanted to know what she could possibly have to talk about with Mike Newton. The boy who couldn't control his thoughts about any female classmate of his new or not.

"So who'd you go off to after lunch?" Lux had asked Bella as they sat having leftover sandwiches from lunch. They were at the Swan residence, talking about whatever they'd done that day that was different from the others.

"His name is Jacob Black, his dad is a good friend of mine's and we used to hang out when we were kids," Bella told her simply, "He's a couple years younger. He goes to school on the rez."

"You looked spooked or something when we were leaving," Lux said sounding concerned for a moment.

"He was telling some scary tribal stories," Bella told her, "I'm not sure I can tell you exactly what he told me but it was something about cold ones or pale faces, something like that."

The conversation died down, simmering to quietly putting things away and finishing weekend homework.

Edward's afternoon wasn't anything more exciting. He wished for something more boring but the only thing that changed that from being the case was his visit down their road, finding Lux's car in the parking lot making him feel at ease to see she'd returned.

Now he'd just have to wait till Monday for any more talk about their visit to the beach. It was the only way he could hear what it was that was spoken about at the beach. He wanted to know what she had to say about Mike. If for any reason at all he was brought up. If she enjoyed herself or if she hated every second of their day.


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