14| la bella italia

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14| la bella Italia

    It felt a little strange for Lux, following Edward into the restaurant as he urged her to eat something. The stern look on his face as he held the door open for her telling her it wasn't something to argue about. The Host was the first person they saw, a woman with a look in her eyes upon seeing Edward similar to the one everyone did in school. The warm smile she gave him much more warmer than she gave Lux. Lux couldn't say she didn't understand why, Edward was mesmerizing.

"A table for two," alluring voice having the host lean forward unintentionally. Her eyes trailed down to pair, satisfied smile on her face at the sight of the no-contact space left between Edward and Lux.

Oh my, oh my, the hostess's rather loud mental voice intruded into Edward's conscious. Her reaction similar to Jessica's upon seeing him, but not as hostile as hers had been toward Lux. Edward wished maybe Lux would see him this way too.

"Oh, er, yes. Welcome to La Bella Italia. Please follow me." Edward easily found her thoughts preoccupied. Or calculating.

Maybe she's his cousin. She couldn't be his sister, they don't look anything alike. But family, definitely. He can't be with her.

Edward wanted to say something. Scream at the woman for being so blinded by the true nature of things. How she found him alluring and at the same time couldn't see the soft perfection of the girl beside him?

Well, no need to help her out, just in case. And as fast as the thought left Edward confused, he watched her turn to the most crowded part of the restaurant, leading them to a family-sized table in the middle. Can I give him my number while she's there?

Edward's hand slipped into his pocket, pulling out his wallet to grab a bill. Humans had a tendency to be more cooperative when money was involved. Lux was already halfway sat down when I spoke, "Perhaps something more private?"

"Sure." Fifty dollars for a better table? Rich, too. That makes sense—I bet his jacket cost more than my last paycheck. Damn. Why does he want privacy with her?

The tone in which she kept referring to Lux made it hard for him to be polite. He trained his focus on the booth she'd led them to, a perfect place where no one would see the pair, or hear whatever it was he had to say to her. Lux was not slow, she understood how strange it was that he found her. And how he found her. Yet she didn't yell at him yet, demand answers immediately but he was sure she wanted to. If the van incident was a small hint about him, imagine what this could unfold. "How's this?" The hostess questioned. "Perfect."

She dismissed herself, shaking her head as the two sat in the rounded booth, Edward scooting closer to the middle where the two of them could meet. He can't be real. Maybe she'll disappear... maybe I'll write my number in
marinara or something.

"You really shouldn't do that to people," Lux had said from behind him, "It isn't really fair."

"Do what?" He had questioned, studying her expression closely in hopes of unraveling what she meant.

"Dazzle people like that, she's probably back there hyperventilating," Lux teased him shaking her head. Edward thought for a moment, she wasn't too far off actuallt. The hostess was rambling her incorrect examination of him to who he could only assume to be their server. But he never considered it to be a dazzle.

"Oh come on," the soft groan she let out as he failed to answer her immediately dragged him out of his conscious, "You have to know the effect you have on people. Do you think everybody gets their way so easily?"

"Do I dazzle you?" He'd voiced his curiosity too quickly for him to stop himself, not even letting regret set in. Lux looked away from him, eyes locking on the menu in front of her but that didn't stop the redness from rushing to her honey skin. The redness rushed to her cheeks, tip of her nose, anywhere it could find purchase. And he found himself not burning with the flames of fasting blood but floating with the thought of hope that he did in fact dazzle her.

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