15| tribal tales

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15| tribal tales

- Lux didn't have much to say when her friends called her last night asking about Edward. She wasn't going to worry them over the group of men, or scare them over Edward's abilities. She kept it to herself, explaining that they'd just run into each other and got to talking.

Bella's room, was an organized jumble of things. From an outside point of view, it'd be easy to assume Bella was a messy person. Lux spent her afternoon at Bella's place enjoying her company while both of their parents were away. Lux lied down on Bella's bed, stretching her arms and back letting out a satisfied groan. "Oh hey," she leaned up using her elbows as support, "You didn't tell me what you and your friend ended up talking about at the beach."

Bella turned to look at her, "It was a bit of a weird conversation. I don't know if you'd understand."

"I'll try." Lux sat up, brush her hair into a low bun, sitting criss-cross on the bed.

"Okay well it was about the Cullen's," Bella shrugged turning her back to her again. Lux's brows furrowed as she fully sat up on the edge of the bed, "The Cullen's? Like the ones we go to school with?"

Bella gnawed on her lower lip, "I think so, I couldn't really understand what he meant." She hadn't fully believed the story herself, especially not considering the weird conenction Jacob claimed his tribe had with a group of teens that just "moved" here not long ago. Also, she was a little nervous to tell Lux. Bella was never one to question anything out of the ordinary because she found herself more curious to know about it, but she didn't know if Lux was the same.

"Well basically," Bella came closer, laying down next to her as if to speak of only secrets, "What I understood from this is that a legend claims that the tribe descended from wolves—and then there are these stories about cold ones."

"Cold ones?" Lux asked turning on her side to face her friend more clearly. Bella nodded her head, letting it drop in embarrassment. "Apparently Jacob's great grandfather helped make some sort of treaty between the cold ones and... and I guess the wolves and cold ones were enemies and—"

"So this pack came to their territory during his great grandfather's time, and they were different. They didn't hunt the way others of their kind would... so his great grandfather made a truce with them. If they stayed off their land then they wouldn't get exposed to the pale faces. They claimed they didn't hunt humans, but animals."

"Wait, wait," Lux stuck her hand out, "So how does this fit with the Cullen's? Are they like those cold ones in the story."

Bella shook her head, pulling her lip between her teeth, "They are the cold ones from the story."

"And so what exactly are cold ones?" Serena asked for clarification. Bella looked down, using her pointer finger to motion for Lux to move closer.


The two stared at each other, a laugh slipping from their lips as they made themselves comfortable on the bed. Bella let out a tired sigh, "But seriously don't tell anybody about this. I promised Jacob and he'd be really mad at me if he found out I was telling someone."

"No worries," Lux huffed looking around for Bella's alarm clock, "What time is it?"

Bella stretched, "Like 7 o'clock maybe?" Lux sat up, slightly out of breath from her laugh and stretch, "I should get going. I got to shower and do some homework."

Lux's house was quiet, like usual. She was the only one home and the emptiness inside was as usual.

It wasn't till late in the night when she let what Bella told her cross her mind again. It wasn't that she was against the supernatural or anything out of the ordinary, she had just no idea what to make of it. How was she supposed to react to the story? Would she think of herself as an idiot for believing it or not. She didn't even know if she did believe it, and even questioning that alone made her feel silly.

Yet on the other hand, she could understand why it would seem like something interesting to think about. It'd save her from the boredom that was Forks, Washington that's for sure. But she couldn't base this idea on one little story, so maybe she'd entertain herself with more tribal stories and legends. Maybe she'd look deeper research on cold ones and shapeshifters. It wouldn't hurt to look it up and it would just be her curiosity getting the best of her.

So she spent majority of the night on her laptop, looking up different stories and takes on what vampires were supposed to be. This was absurd wasn't it? That her mind was immediately believing every piece of this information but why? Why was it so easy for her to believe Edward was like this?


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