s o f t i e

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Noah still sometimes struggles with believeing how soft Richelle can be. Sure, they've been together almost two years and everything is perfect, but his girlfriend is nothing like what she is at the studio.

At the studio, Richelle is strict about everything and always wants her way. She takes charge, she's the leader and no one gets in her way. If someone even tries to get in her way, she manages to shut them up before it can go anywhere.

But now, when they're cuddling in his bed, he can't believe how different she is. Her hair is in a messy braid, she's wearing his hoodie and some of his sweatpants (which are way too big for her but she couldn't care less), but most importantly, she's cuddled up to him.

Her arm rests over his chest while her head is on his shoulder. She's fighting herself not to go to sleep, she wants to finish the movie. She made him watch this movie, it's only fair that she gets through the whole thing.

"You can go to sleep, baby." Noah whispers, noticing her eyes slowly droop shut, and then immediately open wide again.

"No." She drags out the 'o' in what Noah likes to call her 'baby voice'.

She only uses it on certain occasions, like when she's tired, sick, or just really enjoying Noah's company and acting all cute. She doesn't even realise she does it, it just comes natural to her when she's with him, but whenever Noah's caught it on video she cringes at herself. What would A-Troupe do if they saw a video of her acting cute? She wouldn't seem like tough Richelle anymore.

"But your tired." He says gently while kissing her head a couple times, only making her snuggle up to him more.

"No I'm not." She yawns, failing to convince Noah in the slightest. He chuckles under his breath and pulls her ontop of him and wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"We can finish the movie in the morning." He whispers, turning off the TV.


"No, time for bed princess." He stops her and moves his hand to press her head lightly to his chest, like he's keeping her safe or cradling her.

She can hear his heartbeat, and it calms her. Normally, whenever she hears her own heartbeat when she's relaxed in bed, or feels it when she's layed on her chest, it gets on her nerves and she has to reposition herself until the sound or sensation is fully gone, but with Noah she wishes she could listen to it forever.

Eventually though, the sound fades as she gets lost in her mind, her dreams. Noah kisses her head gently when he realises, and whispers a small "Goodnight baby," to her.
Morning seemed to come quicker today for some reason, but Richelle isn't mad about it. She awakes from the natural morning night, and looks next to her to see a ray of sun shining directly across Noah's face. She can't help but wonder how it hasn't woken him up. She knows when he opens his eyes he'll be blinded, but it'll give her something to laugh at.

She places a light kiss on his jawline before snuggling up to him again, trying to steal all his heat from him. She's freezing, which makes sense considering it's the middle of autumn and she's only in one of Noah's t-shirts.

She didn't expect, however, for Noah to start stirring when she tries to cuddle up to him. She didn't mean to wake him up, really.

"Sorry." She whispers, contuining to try and cuddle up to him and warm up.

"Don't be." He whispers back, "You okay beautiful?" He asks when he notices her shivering.

"Cold." She pulls an extra blanket over the two of them, slowly making Noah boil to death but he doesn't care too much. It's for her so he isn't going to complain, plus it keeps her in bed longer.
A couple hours pass, and eventually 11am rolls around. Neither of them want to move, neither of them have moved, but they kinda have to get up for dance. Richelle groans a little as she does so, making Noah laugh.

"Why can't we just stay in bed all day?" She mumbled, dragging her feet across the floor to her bag. Noah also gets up and goes over to her.

"When we get back from rehersal you can come over to mine and we can do just that." Noah says with a small smile before kissing her cheek.

"But I want to now." She drags out her words like a toddler as she turns around to hug him properly, letting herself melt into him.

"We can later." He mocks her by dragging out his words too, but then he pulls away from the hug, "Get ready baby, I'll get changed in the bathroom."

"Saying that like I've never seen you get changed before." Richelle smirks, making Noah roll his eyes.

He does as he says though, and gets changed in the bathroom while she gets changed in her room. Soon after she's done, though, Richelle walks into the bathroom, not really caring about whatever Noah's state is in the moment, and grabs her makeup bag.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you look beautiful without makeup?" He asks, styling his hair to how it usually looks.

"And how many times do I have to tell you that you look cute with your hair messy?" She asks, starting to apply her foundation.

"I don't think anyone at the studio wants to see me looking cute, Richie."

"Oh so now you're trying to impress people? Jeez Noah, you're hot enough as is, no need to make girls faint." Richelle giggles, making Noah smile again. He can't help but love her giggle, it's so cute.

Eventually, the two manage to get ready and to the studio. They're late, which never happens for Richelle, but she supposes it's probably because she came in with Noah. He has a tendency to be late, and she wasn't exactly the one who was compliant to getting up earlier.

"Where have you two been?" Daniel asks somewhat angrily from the front where he's been running choreo with everyone for about half an hour already.

"In the car." Noah replies, grinning a little, but earning a gentle nudge from Richelle. She knows that he's going to get in trouble for his attitude towards Daniel soon, it's not exactly great.

"Noah, I'm serious. Where have you two been, we started half an hour ago already." Daniel asks again, crossing his arms this time to try and intimidate the teen. Noah isn't one to get intimidated easily, but he's always been a little scared of Daniel.

"Sorry, we just woke up late." He says with a slight shrug.

"Alright then, don't let it happen again you two. Richelle take over." Daniel sighs, walking over to Emily and then following her into her office.

"From the top." Richelle shouts authoritatively as she walks to the front and crosses her arms.

"That's my girl." Noah mumbles with a chuckle under his breath. He's the only one who will ever see the soft side of her, but he likes it like that.


My endings keep getting worse, oops

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