n e c k l a c e

905 11 3

"Stupid, stupid necklace. Ugh! Where are you?" Jacquie says, ripping the covers off Noah's bed in attempt to find her, now lost, necklace.

She hasn't been anywhere else in the house, just his room, and most of the time she was lying on his bed. He went to the gym about an hour ago, and she finally decided to get up about 30 minutes ago. She went into the bathroom, but she immediately noticed the chain was missing from around her neck. She's been trying to find it for ages now, but it just isn't anywhere.

With a groan, she puts his covers and pillows back on his bed, not bothering to make it. She sighs, starting to give up hope.

Then a realisation hits her. How could she be so forgetful? Noah took it off her last night so it wouldn't get tangled in her hair, and since it isn't on the bedside table it must have just fallen off. How could that slip her mind so easily?

She lies on the floor so she can see under the bed. It doesn't take long to find the gleaming silver chain under her bed. She sighs in relief as she crawls under the bed to get it.

Now, with the chain clasped tight in her hand, she crawls back out and goes to the mirror so she can put it on easier. She enters the bathroom, this time with the necklace, but she almost instantly notices that this definitely is not her necklace.

Her necklace has an arrow going through a heart, Noah got her it when they first got together, but this one is a key. She's never had a necklace like this, at least not while she's known Noah.

However, she does recognise the necklace. She's seen someone at the studio wear it before, but she can't put her finger on who. She brushes it off. Noah wouldn't just have a random necklace in his room that belongs to another girl, that wouldn't make sense.. but he does.

She goes back through to the bedroom and sits on his bed, the necklace tight in her grasp. She tries to picture it on every girl in A-Troupe.

The only thing is Summer doesn't wear necklaces, Kenzie's usual necklace isn't even silver as she prefers gold, Piper rarely wears jewelry but if she does her necklace is a locket that Finn got her, Amy only ever wears her rose necklace and Richelle.. well it may aswell be a crime for Richelle to wear a necklace at dance. She already knows it doesn't belong to Davis, but that means there's no possibilities.

Maybe she hasn't seen it on someone else at the studio.. apart from she has and she knows she has. Sighing, she puts the necklace on the bedside table. Noah's an honest guy, if she just asks him he'll have a perfectly reasonable explanation.


Noah text her saying he's going to stay at the gym longer than planned, so she just decides to go to dance early. It's not really like her to go an hour early, but she's bored and it's her best option right now.

She goes to shakes and ladders first and takes a seat at one of the benches, but soon enough she sees a familiar blonde walk in. Of course Richelle is here, she's always here early.

"Hey Rich." She smiles as Richelle walks towards her.

"Hey Jac, what's up?" Richelle smiles at her as she takes a seat opposite her, "You look a little.. flustered." Richelle tilts her head, trying to get a proper read of Jacquie's face.

"I'm fine.. I just- I found a necklace under Noah's bed and it isn't mine. I'm worried he's.. cheating on me. It's so unlike him.. but what if he is? It would break me if I found out he was." Jacquie sighs, mixing her smoothie with her straw, "I really don't want to believe that he is, but he went to the gym this morning and texted me saying he was going to stay there longer. What if he's gone to the girls house?"

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