oh.. its been a while

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it's been a while omg. as u probs know briar and Myles broke up and briar has a new boyfriend now.

I've just been reading some of my old oneshots and low-key miss writing but idk if nochelle oneshots are really appropriate after the breakup 💀

idk maybe they are cause it's a TV show ship? lots of people ship it without knowing they were together but I don't know y'all.

I literally know like one other fandom.. greys anatomy is bae

anyway i have a bunch of old unfinished oneshots that I low-key just like didn't finish and some ones which are finished and I didn't publish eventhough they're like really cute..

I will probably forget I posted this when I wake up but whenever I remember do you guys:

a. want the unfinished ones to be finished


b. think my 4am brain is delusional for thinking for a second you guys would want them and I shouldn't post cause lowkey briar and myles are like over and they like played the characters but also like I wouldn't write any new ones just finish the old ones (or  just like one old one cause its fun and the rest aren't)


c. want greys anatomy oneshots 💪🏼💪🏼 I hate Derek and Meredith so it would be about magic (Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie, Cristina) and like other friendships and the actual cute couples xoxo

also season 8 of tns is coming out and I actually kinda hate the show now but imma watch it cause like.. I used to be invested and it feels wrong to just not know what's going on with my luvly little characters 😭😭

is anyone even still in the tns fandom? I know I'm not xoxo.. but like I feel like everyone left jssjsj

okay byeee, I'll respond in like a year's time love y'all

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