n e r v e s

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If you guys hate this I'll republish it as a nochelle instead and never do this again but please just try it


She ran at out the room, tears streaming down her face. As dance captain, Richelle felt obliged to go after her. It's not everyday your best friend runs out of the room in tears after being strong for so long.

Richelle runs out the door after her, but can't seem to find her anywhere. She searches everywhere she can think of, even the places her best friend wouldn't know of, but then remembers the most obvious place.

How did it not come to her before?

Richelle walks into the locker room, and there she sees her blonde haired best friend curled up on the couch, wearing her famous red vest and black mini skirt. The tears contuine to stream down her face like a river.

Richelle freezes for a second, her heart breaking at the sight. She doesn't know how to handle emotions, but she has to. This is her best friend.. and crush.

"Lola?" She whispers gently, inching closer to the couch. She doesn't want to get too close, she doesn't want to console her if she doesn't want it.

Lola simply just looks up and wipes a few tears from her cheeks, giving a silent nod.

"What's uh.. what's wrong?" Richelle stutters over her words. She never stutters, ever. Especially not in situations like this.

Lola doesn't know what to say. She can't tell Richelle the real reason, she'd seem like a complete idiot. Instead of telling Richelle everything, she just shrugs and wipes more tears from her face, trying to replace it with a more brave look.

"Please tell me.. I'm worried." Richelle admits.

It's rare Richelle worries about someone, and it's even rarer that she tells someone she's worried about them. Sure, if someone is crying she'll be curious about what's wrong, but curiosity and worry are two completely different things.

"It's nothing, I'm just.. landed my aerial wrong and twisted my ankle slightly. I don't have a good pain tolerance so I just wanted a minute to rest it." Lola lies rather unconvincingly. Richelle doesn't believe a word of it, Lola couldn't have run out the room with an injured ankle, and on top of that she was watching Lola warm up, not in a creepy way of course, and she didn't even do aerial.

"Can you tell me the- nevermind." She doesn't want to pressure Lola into telling the truth, nor does she want to end up saying something stupid when the conversation drags on.

Lola sends her a confused, but at the same time relieved, look. Richelle just smiles back quickly before rushing to Studio 1 again, going back over to Noah whom she was previously talking to, and contuining the conversation, more nervous than ever.

"Everything alright?" Noah asks, immediately taking note of the panic-stricken look on Richelle's face. Simply, she nods her head and looks up at him for a second, before looking down and letting her thumbs fiddle away, "What's up?"

"I nodded my head, meaning I'm fine." She shoots back, harsher than intended.

"Well you're clearly not, so how about you just tell me what happened and I can try to help?" He suggests. She sighs, knowing he'll not let it go until he knows what's bothering her. That's just the type of best friend he is, and she loves it, but she'd never tell him that.

"I just.. when she ran out I got worried, but when I asked what was wrong she lied to me. I-I'm begining to think she doesn't feel the same way about me.. as I do about her." Richelle stutterd again, terrified for Noah's response. She doesn't want some dorky, jokey comment to make her feel better. She just wants him to be honest.

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