s t a i n e d

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Richelle wakes up next to her boyfriend, her boyfriend who she loves more than life itself. She smiles at the sight of him peacefully sleeping, being completely at peace with the world. It's Sunday, so she doesn't even have to wake him up, she can just let him naturally wake up with a smile on his face when he thinks he managed to wake up before his alarm, but then an even bigger one when he realises that it's actually Sunday.

She snuggles into his hoodie that she put on after he fell asleep, knowing he would say yes anyway but she knows he finds it cute when he wakes up to her in one. She isn't sure why he finds it so cute, but he does.

She rolls over to snuggle up to him, but as she does something catches her eye. A stain on his sheet, a blood stain, her blood, her period.


She knew she was due on, infact she nearly decided not to sleep at Noah's because of it, but she convinced herself it would be fine and that she'd catch it when and if it happened, but apparently not.

Tears fill her eyes as she gets out of bed and looks at the massive mess she's made. There's not just a small mark either, it looks more like a puddle. She knows the sheets are ruined now, and she knows it'll have probably of leaked through the comforter and onto the mattress. Then, she takes the hoodie off, leaving her in nothing but her blood drenched underwear, and sees a massive blood stain on the back, and a little on the front too. She freezes for a second before going into Noah's wardrobe and finding a red top. She feels bad wearing more of her clothes when the blood is probably all over her, but it's red do at least it won't be ruined.

She goes into his bathroom and puts some toilet roll in her underwear, not that it'd make a difference if she gets any more blood on them. She cries silently as she washes her hands, and then picks up the hoodie she was wearing, the white hoodie. Noah never even lets her wear this hoodie, it's his favourite and he doesn't want her staining it from spilling hot chocolate or pasta sauce on it, he knows how clumsy she can be, but the one time he lets her that's exactly what she's gone and done, just with blood instead.

She exits the bathroom and goes downstairs, quickly tossing the hoodie in the wash in hopes that it won't stain. She turns on the machine and goes back upstairs to get her bags, the sooner she gets out of here the better. Trying to be quiet, she opens the door and sees Noah still sound asleep.

Richelle goes over to her bag, tears still streaming down her cheeks, and picks it up before going over to Noah. He'll see the blood when he wakes up, but at least she won't have to be there when he does. She can't handle the embarrassment.

"See you later bubs." She kisses his cheek gently and rubs his arm, immediately regretting it when she sees him start to stir. Of course he'd wake up at that, she always does it to wake him up, how could she forget?

"Richie?" He mumbles, slowly turning to face her and opening his eyes. It takes a while for them to adjust to the morning light, but as soon as it does, he immediately notices the tears running down her cheeks, "Hey, hey what's wrong bubba?" He sits up and tries to pull her onto his lap, but she steps away. She doesn't want to get blood on him too.

"Nothing." She whispers, very unconvincingly. He frowns at her and takes her hand, rubbing circles into the back of it gently with his thumb.

"Clearly there's something. Come on baby, you know you can tell me anything right?" He says, his husk morning voice adds a extra sense of genuineness to what he said.

"Just want to go home. I don't know why I just feel like-"

"Truth please?" He cuts her off, knowing she's lying by the way she's twizzling her hair around her finger.

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