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A pregnancy test can have wrong results, right? It can say pregnant when you aren't really, like right now.

Richelle isn't pregnant, no matter what the test says. She can't be, she just can't.

She just stands in the bathroom at TNS in shock, staring down at the positive pregnancy test. But it's wrong, obviously. She bought a faulty one.. yeah. She'll buy another tonight and it'll 100% be negative. She isn't pregnant, she doesn't have symptoms anyway. Because morning sickness, mood swings, and missig her period aren't symptoms of being pregnant at all. She's just.. sick. Just sick.

She lets the whole 'I took a pregnancy test, it came back positive, but im going to ignore that and take another tonight and itll come back negative' thing settle in her head before exiting the bathroom and going back to Studio A.

She immediately gets back into her line placement, acting as if nothing is wrong, and starts dancing again. But her mind really isn't on the dance, and Noah can tell. He's at the front watching, as he usually does as dance captain, and he can tell something is up with her.

"Okay, everyone take five." He says, knowing Richelle will stay back anyway. Everyone thanks him quickly before going to shakes and ladders, as they usually would on break, "Hey Richie." He smiles, walking closer to her as she marks her way through the choreo.

"Hey." She says, her voice slightly nervous. She sounds almost paranoid, actually.

"What happened in the space of you leaving rehersal and then coming back, because you took a little longer than just going to the bathroom." He asks, making her freeze.

What's she supposed to say now? She can't just straight up tell him she took a pregnancy test, and it wrongly came back positive. He doesn't need to know anyway, she isn't pregnant.

"I fixed my makeup," She says quickly, "in the bathroom. So technically I didn't lie."

She looks up at Noah, the man who she loves more than anything but got her into this mess. She doesn't blame him, of course. She blames the factory for giving out faulty protection. It's them who got her into this mess, really, not him.

Wait, no. She's not pregnant. She doesn't blame anyone. She isn't in a mess at all.

"But you're not wearing any makeup." Noah snaps her out of her thoughts as he runs his thumb over her cheek, feeling her bare skin. He likes it when she isn't wearing makeup, he likes him natural, "You don't need it anyway, your skin is practically glowing." He kisses her cheek softly.

Glowing.. pregnancy glow.. no. No no no no no no. Not a pregnancy glow, she's just been keeping ontop of her skin care lately.

"I won't question you, promise you're ok?" He asks, his tone and the look on his face both worried. She gives him a small nod, and let's him bring her into his embrace, but soon enough A-Troupe is back from their five minute break and Noah leads rehersal again.


Richelle never usually feels out of energy at the end of a rehersal, but today she feels complete exhausted. She's felt more fatigued lately, but it's never been this bad. She can barely keep herself up.. infact she isn't keeping herself up. She had to sit out.

It's the end of rehersal, and everyone apart Noah has left since he had to finish some paperwork he's been procrastinating for a week, but she can't bring herself to get up. It's been an hour already, and she's still sat on the stupid bench. And now, now she's crying. Great, tears. Just what she needs. Any second now Noah is going to be done with the paperwork and come out to see her crying.

She hears a sigh of relief come from the office behind her, and then she hears the chair scrape against the floor. She hears footsteps next, and then Noah whistling a tune. She knows he's going to see her, he left his bag on the cube next to the bench she's on. And that's exactly what he does, sees her.

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