a l l b e c a u s e o f a d a r e

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Noah and Jacquie aren't together xoxo

Whenever you see a ~ it means time skip :)

"For the love of God, just admit it already." Henry begs, falling to his knees, Finn and Kingston copying his action.

"For the love of God, just accept the fact that we're friends and that's all we will ever be." Noah retaliates, rolling his eyes and then turning his head to the blonde girl stood next to him, "Right Rich?"

"Yeah, it would just be weird." she agrees.

Friends. That's all Noah and Richelle will ever be, it's all they ever want to be, but despite telling their teammates this numerous times, they never shut up. Henry is by far the worst of them, claiming he is the biggest 'Nochelle shipper' to ever walk planet earth, he even made a fan account for them before turning it into his personal account after it gained a following. But still, every time they are within a couple metres of each other, they get bugged all the time.

"So you're telling me that if Ozzy walked in right now and kissed Richelle, you wouldn't care?" Kingston asks, standing up from the floor and staring at Noah.

"I wouldn't care," he says as Finn and Henry stand up, "but I don't think Richelle would like it."

"Gross." she shudders next to Noah, pulling a disgusted look on her face, making all the guys chuckle.

"Ok so Richelle won't be kissing Ozzy any time soon, but what about someone else? Take Noah for example, would you kiss him?" Henry asks, an interested look on his face, the same look he gets every time he asks the question.

"Kissing Noah would be weird, he's my best friend." she insists for the millionth time this week, maybe even that day.

"If we dared you to kiss Ozzy, would you do it?" Finn asks.

"No." Richelle replies instantly.

"But if we dared you to kiss Noah, would you do it? After all, it's very hard for you to refuse a dare, especially when it's A-Troupe coming up with the consequences for not doing it." Kingston contuines with a slight smirk.

This isn't the first time the guys have asked this question, but they seem to struggle to get the hint. The question, really, is starting to get a little old, it's not like they've every actually dared Richelle to kiss Noah or anything.

Would Richelle kiss Noah, for a dare?

"That would just be weird." She shudders again.

"What about you Noah?" Finn asks, "Are there any girls you would kiss at the studio?"

"I guess, yeah.." he shrugs, "but before you say it, no, not Richelle."

The guys all sigh at the addition to his answer. He really got his hopes up with the 'yeah', "Man, you really had us there for a second." Henry speaks for the whole group, a disappointed look spreading across his, Finn's and Kingston's faces.


"Ok A-Troupe, gather round. We have an announcement!" Michelle says, clearly very excited. All the A-Troupers gather round.

"As some of you may know, when Michelle and I were on A-Troupe we occasionally had fun nights as a team here at the studio, so we thought tonight would be a perfect night. We know none of you have anything on, so no excuses. Rehearsal ends now, go home and get changed, but please do not be like West and show up in pyjamas." Emily and Michelle laugh at the memory before walking back into their office.

An excited smile spreads across all of A-Troupe'a faces, expect for one individual. Richelle. She has plans with Noah tonight that she was really looking forward to, but Emily did say no excuses and she doesn't want to go against her authority, afterall she is really wanting to be dance captain in the near future.

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