m i s t l e t o e

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"We can put up one mistletoe in here, one in the hallway and one in studio one, but that is it." Emily declares, sick of the childish arguing between all of the A-Troupers. It's safe to say some of those on A-Troupe are more up for the challenge of avoiding the mistletoe, but others not so much.

"But what if I walk under it with someone who isn't Henry?" Amy asks, being one of the ones who is completely against a leaf of mistletoe being under the roof of TNS.

"You don't have to do it, it's just a bit of fun." Ozzy says, rolling his eyes and then directing his gaze slightly towards Heathcliff, smirking slightly, "Besides, it could be good for some of us getting into relationships, it has been in the past."

"Agreed." Heath replies, also smirking lightly.

A-Troupe can't help but chuckle a little at the two who actually had their first kiss under the mistletoe, and have been in a relationship ever since, always blabbering about how amazing the whole experience was.

"Fine, we can have the mistletoe." Amy sighs, walking over to Henry and side hugging him, a pout on her face. They all laugh more at this as Emily goes over to the box of decorations and pulls it out.

"Noah, you can put it up, I'm sure no one would particularly mind kissing you," she says, "especially you." she whispers to Richelle as she passes her. A rosy blush takes over Richelle's cheeks at Emily's comment; no one knows she likes Noah, how does Emily know she likes Noah?

"What can I say, I'm a great kisser." Noah says jokingly, making the rest of the team laugh once again, before heading out to hang it up somewhere.
Now, a couple hours later, the place fully decorated, everyone but four people out of the building, Richelle heads to Emily's office. She has to get to the bottom of this, or maybe shut the whole thing down completely. If someone finds out she likes Noah then she's in for a whole lot of teasing.

"Em, Mich, can I talk to you?" The younger blonde out of the three now in the room asks quietly. She already knows that Emily will have told Michelle, they really can't keep secrets from each other. The two studio heads nod so Richelle takes a seat and contuines, "How do you know.. no.. um.. why do you think I like Noah?"

"It's obvious Richelle." Michelle laughs, "I think Noah knows, actually."

Richelle freezes for a second.. Noah knows? If he knows, and he hasn't asked her out, then does he not like her back?

"I knew he wouldn't feel the same." She mumbles under her breath, looking down at her fingers and starting to fiddle, trying to keep her tears so desperate to escape in her eyes. She sniffles a little, alerting the two studio heads who both quickly go over to her.

"Richelle it's ok, I'm sure he feels the same way. You know, I didn't think Em felt the same way when I liked her." Michelle says, rubbing the young's back.

Richelle stays silent. All she can do is imagine what it would be like to be with Noah, and how great it would be, but she'll never get the chance. She isn't going to be the girl to spend the rest of her life with him, and she just has to come to terms with that.

"You know, he's still in the studio, I'm sure you could drag him under the mistletoe somehow." Emily says, nudging Richelle a little, "And then, whether he likes you back or not, you still get a kiss out of him."

"I guess." Rich whispers, standing up and wiping the few tears that managed to escape, "Thanks, I'll think about it." A smile dances on her lips for a second or two before disappearing, just like she disappears from the office. She starts walking to the locker room, her head down and her mind whizzing with excuses she could use to get Noah under the mistletoe, when she bumps into someone, "Sorry, I didn't see-"

"It's fine." A voice says gently from above her, a voice she can recognise from miles away.

Richelle can't stop herself from looking up, just to check if there is infact mistletoe above her and the person she wants to call her boyfriend more than anything.

She smiles as she sees it, and looks him in the eyes, "You know, I don't believe what you said back in Studio A."

"What did I say?" Noah asks, fully aware that they're under the mistletoe, wondering how he's never noticed how tempting her lips are.

"That you're a great kisser."

"Well, I guess we'll have to put that to the test then."

Noah smirks before leaning down, finally attaching his and Richelle's lips. However cliché it sounds, Richelle swears she felt some sort of electricity between them, whereas Noah is too busy enjoying the moment to care.


this doesn't really have an ending jsjs

merry christmas

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