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Jacquie didn't leave for S7 because her and Noah didn't break up cause they were never together


Being wrapped up in your boyfriend's hoodie and a cold morning is all Richelle wants, but when your boyfriend is half way around the world filming a movie in a completely different timezone, it doesn't make everything feel that great.

Sure, it still smells like him and he gave her her favourite aftershave of his incase it stopped having his scent, but it just reminds him of how far away he is, and how close she wants him to be.

Everyone in the studio has seen her crying over him now, so it was no suprise when they walked in on Richelle, sitting on a bench in studio A, with mascara marks running down her cheeks. She doesn't even acknowledge them when they come in, she just contuines to sit there, drowning in the piece of cotton currently around her body.

It isn't until Jacquie comes in that she gets gets some comfort. Jacquie sits next to her on the bench and gently rubs her back, "It's okay, he'll be back soon." She whispers, knowing what's wrong before even having to ask.

"What if he's not? What if he decides to stay in Australia forever?" Richelle whispers back, choking on her tears.

"He won't Rich, he isn't going to stay. He can't go without seeing you that long, he's probably just as upset as you." Jac says sympathetically, hating to see her best friend in such a bad state.

"No he's not, he's too busy filming to even notice I'm no where near him. I gave him my goddamn pig teddy, and how many times do you think he's even touched it? None. I bet it isn't even out of his suitcase." Richelle cries quietly, trying not to spill all of her emotions out to everyone in the room.

"Richelle I bet he has it with him, he probably brings it to set with him." Jacquie doesn't know what to say, or what to do right now. Neither her or Richelle are good with emotions, but her words still manage to calm the distraught blonde next to her.

"Maybe." Richelle whispers, fiddling with the strings on Noah's hoodie.

"Why don't you go to the bathroom and clean yourself up? I'm sure you won't miss much, Summer isn't the best at starting rehersal." Jacquie jokes at the end, giving Richelle a small, playful nudge. Richelle giggles slightly and gets up.

She washes her face and applies see concealer under her eyes, trying to cover up how red a swollen they are from crying, and the evident deep purple bags under them from getting no sleep.

When she returns to Studio A, Summer has started rehersal. She really couldn't wait 10 more minutes? Richelle just goes straight to her line placement, back row. Richelle doesn't know why Summer moved the back row, she's still a good dancer whether she's upset or not. She didn't complain though, she simply hasn't had the energy to argue about it.

When there was no complaints from Richelle, Emily started to worry, a lot. She called Richelle into her office but the small blonde could barely hold a conversation she was so tired.

By the time rehersal is over, Richelle can remember nothing. She was doing fine, she was picking it up easy, but as soon as Summer said it was time to go home, all of it immediately left her head. Ashamed of herself, she goes home and goes straight to bed.

She curls up in her many blankets, snuggling as close as she can to Noah's hoodie. Gentle tears flow down her cheeks. She can't help it, either she has to go to Australia or he has to come back, she can't physically out up with it anymore.

She opens a new tab on her laptop, searching every airline possible for a ticket to Australia for as soon as possible. Two days away. $1,175. There's no way she can afford it.

Upset, she shuts her laptop and rests her head in a pillow, wishing she could skip time, or that she could fall asleep and wake up with Noah next to her, but she knows that isn't happening any time soon.

"Richelle, there's a package for you sweetheart." Her mom's voice comes from the door, pulling her away from her faux reality.

"But I haven't ordered anything." Richelle says, sitting up and wiping her tears, blankets still wrapped around her petite figure.

"Someone could've just sent you something." Her mom smiles warmly and passes her the package.

Richelle slowly opens it, being cautious of what's inside. On the top, there's a note. She unfolds it and reads the handwritten piece.

Hey bubba. I know we haven't been able to talk much recently cause time zones and stuff, but I just kinda got an instinct that you needed cheering up so here's some stuff. Love you :)

Her eyes fill with tears as she realises who it's from. Noah. Layer by layer, she takes everything out the box. There's some stuff to make her smile, like lots of Australian chocolate, some stuff to help her through tough times like the small hot waterbottle with a koala on it, and some stuff to help her when she misses him. Hoodies.

Her favourite hoodie of his, also his favourite hoodie, is in there. She lifts or our of the box and holds it close to her, taking in the fresh scent of his shampoo and favourite coffee.

She sends her mom a smile as she leaves Richelle to let her be, knowing she'll probably be caught in the feels right now and want to talk to Noah, and that's exactly what Richelle wants. She picks up her phone, clicks on his contact and hits call.


"Hey babe-"

"-this is Noah, sorry I can't take your call right now, probably busy doing something stupid or extremely smart. I'll call you back soon."

More, sadder, tears fill her eyes. That's the forth time she fallen for his voicemail in the last two days. She listens to the automated message after, and eventually hears the beep.

"Hey Noe, just thought I'd ring to let you know that I got your package and it's really sweet. I did need cheering up and it really helped so thank you. If you could give me a call back whenever you're free or something I would like that. Anyway, I love you and miss you lots. Bye babe." She says, talking to no one, but suprisingly it helped calm her.

Knowing that the chances of talking to him soon are higher than what they were just five minutes ago, because let's be real Noah doesn't usually call first, gives her a whole new sense of security.

Just a few seconds after she puts her phone down, it begins to buzz. She picks it up and sees 'Noah 🖤' at the top of the screen. Without letting it buzz again, she picks up and holds the phone to her ear.

"Hey baby." He says on the other line. Relief washes over her body, he's there, he's ok, and he still loves her.

"Hi." She replies, a newly formed smile on her face.

"Sorry I missed your call, I was having a freezing cold shower which now I completely regret doing because now I can't warm up." He chuckles slightly on the other end, "I heard your voicemail though.. are you alright? You sounded like you'd been crying."

Her heart warms a little, even if he did just talk about him having a freezing cold shower. She heard his voice for the first time in two days and that's all she needs right now.

"I had been but I'm ok now, I just didn't have the best day." She says, wiping a stray, happy tear from her cheek.

"What happened?" He asks, his voice worried. She can't help but giggle to herself at his sweetness, he's just too cute.

She tells him everything. How she cried about missing him, how she got frustrated with herself for not remembering the choreography, how she just came home and cried in bed, and then how happy she was to have more hoodies.

They talked for another 3 hours, until Richelle decided she wanted to wind down and go to sleep since it was around 11pm. Noah let her, told her to get a good night's sleep and to call him when she wakes up, assuming he'll still be awake.

They'll be ok, as long as he keeps sending her hoodies.


Hoodie fluff

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