r o b i n h o o d

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Why did he have to get the role? Out of all people, why Noah? Why did he have to get Robin Hood? Why did he have to go on tour? Why did he have to leave the studio?

Richelle slams the door in his face after hearing the news. She thought he loved her, she really did. She thought he would never leave. He didn't break up with her exactly, but he asked how she felt about long distance, and her door slam told him exactly how she felt.

Yeah, Richelle is ridiculously proud of him, but she isn't happy for him. She isn't happy that her boyfriend has to leave to go on tour all around the USA for for six months, then to Australia for 3 months, then the UK for another 3 months, and finally Canada for the last three months of the year. That's a whole year she has to go without seeing him, and he didn't even seem to care.

He acted as if it were simple to leave everything behind, ditch her for some dumb touring company for a whole year. Why didn't he care? Why did he say it all so simply? Why didn't he even let her down gently?

The questions race through her head as she sits on the edge of her bed, trying not to let Noah win over her emotions, trying not to cry. She just sits, staring at the wall, ignoring the endless ringing and buzzing coming from her phone. She knows it's Noah, she knows he's probably still outside her house right now, just sitting in his car trying to call her. She isn't having any of it, though. If he wants to leave he can leave, and that starts with him driving away. She listens out for his car engine starting, but it never comes. She rolls her eyes at this, knowing he won't leave until she gives him some sort of response, so she does.

i can call the cops for trespassing

She types the single sentence before pressing send, ignoring all his messages asking whether she's ok and trying to apologise. He isn't really sure why he's apologising, well he's sorry that he made her upset, but how did he upset her?

He doesn't get it.
Over the next several weeks Noah makes many attempts to reach out to her. He doesn't go to the studio, he doesn't have time with his new rehersal schedule, but he tries to call her during all his breaks, and when there's no answer he messages her. But now, now it's the day before he leaves for tour and he finally was given the day off to pack, but he couldn't leave without saying goodbye.

He knocks gently on her front door, only for it to be opened by her dad. Noah and Richelle's dad never really saw eye to eye, they both wanted different things for their daughter, and now that Noah's gone against his word and upset her, her dad isn't really a fan at all.

It takes some convincing, about half an hour of it, but her dad finally lets him into the house. He immediately goes to Richelle's room, knocking gently on the door before hearing a faint 'come in' from the other side. He's slightly relieved when he sees Richelle layed on her bed. She isn't crying, she doesn't look upset. She looks fine. Thank god.

"Oh... you." She mutters after catching a glimpse of him. She turns her phone off and sits up, resting her head against the headboard, "Stop standing awkwardly in my doorway and sit on the bed."

Noah does as he's told and sits on the end of her bed. He doesn't go near her though, he doesn't want her to feel like he's come back to invade her life again without even talking to her.

"Can we finish our last conversation.. without something being slammed in my face? And without you threatening to call the cops on me?" He asks, forcing himself to laugh, but it comes out dry and broken.

A lump forms in the back of Richelle's throat. He's trying to make a joke out of it, which means she hurt him a lot. Noah uses humour to cope with anything and everything, he uses it to cover up when he's feeling down, and that laugh said it all. It also doesn't help that hearing it said out loud makes her feel like an idiot. She nods her head a little and bites her lip, waiting for him to say something.

"It isn't too late for me to reject the offer. Rehersals have started, but I have an understudy who can take over." He says, trying a more gentle approach, but for once Richelle wishes he didn't. She wishes he would get to the point and break up with her. She deserves it, "I care about you so much Richie, and I don't want us to do long distance if it means you're going to be upset."

"Noah, as much as I would hate to see you go, I'm not letting you quit. It's your dream whether I like it or not." She mumbles, slouching forward to hide her face, also fiddling with the hoodie she has on.


"No buts." She interrupts, her version of verbally slamming a door in his face. It feels good, but she can't leave the door shut forever, "I didn't talk to you for a week and I survived, if I just do that another 51 times then your back."

"The difference is we would still be able to talk, you wouldn't have to live out your childhood dream of ignoring me." He jokes, shuffling a little closer to her.

"My childhood dream was always to have you by my side." She whispers, a couple tears escaping her eyes, "My dream was for you to love me back like I loved you." She sniffles.

Noah doesn't respond, nor does he move to hug her like he usually would. Instead, he puts his head in his hands and starts to cry, breaking Richelle's heart. Slowly, she shuffles towards him and drapes her arm over his back.

"You're going to go on tour and you're going to kill it." She whispers, but he can tell she isn't finished. There's something she doesn't want to say stuck in the back of her throat, but he already knows what it is. It would kill her to say the words out loud, so he won't let her, just like she won't let him quit.

"I'll wait for you if you wait for me." He whispers, looking up at her with a hopeful smile.

"I'll wait for you if you promise that you're going to go and have the best year of your life." She says, a small smile on her face too.

"I promise." He whispers before kissing her gently, knowing it'll be the last time for a long time.
a year later
Richelle rushes around her apartment, knowing that Noah's on his way to hers right now. They haven't talked properly in months, just the occasional 'hi how are you doing' over text. She wasn't nervous about seeing him today untilt today actually came.

Just as she's tidying her bedroom, knowing Noah will be forced to stay in there tonight as she never got a bed for the spare room, she hears a knock at the door. She runs to open it, her nerves starting to take over. What if he found another girl? What if he's brought her here? What if he doesn't like her anymore? What if he's just coming as a friend?

Her hand shaking, she opens the door to reveal Noah stood there with his usual, goofy smile and a hopeful look in his eyes, "Did you wait?" He asks, looking in her eyes to make sure she's telling the truth either way. He notices her eyes light up as a smile takes over her face, all followed by a simple nod.

He leans down and attaches their lips, giving her an answer before she can even ask. And man, they've both missed this.


i feel like this ending was decent for once 😌

i was gonna end when he said 'i promise' but I felt like you needed closure 💀

also which length do we prefer? My last couple oneshots (like one chapter of back which was 3000 words) or this which is about 1000? or somewhere in-between?

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