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Two weeks had passed by since Marlene's death. Everyone was coping in their own way. Sirius by taking down as many death eaters as he could, James and Frank by helping Sirius take down the death eaters and Lily and Alice crying their eyes out every time they remembered her. But the days were not all bleak. 

The events of the past two weeks were so gruesome, unexpected and emotional that Frank and Alice decided to get married and not waste any time, and so they did. On a sunny day by the lakeside, they exchanged vows and got married in a beautiful ceremony. And this was the little ray of happiness they had had in the aftermath of Marlene's death. 

Slowly everyone got used to Marlene not being around, and accepted the sad truth of Marlene's death. 

One week Later

It was James, Sirius, and Frank's turn to patrol that night. Charlus and Dorea too had gone out, leaving Lily and Alice alone at Potter Manor. They sat on the bed and talked about everything-from their time at Hogwarts to married lives. And then Marlene went down to get a glass of water. Lily watched her go downstairs before leaping off the bed and rushing to the washroom. Alice came back a few minutes later and when she was unable to spot Lily, figured that she was doing some chores and walked inside to the washroom and gasped in shock. "Lily!" she exclaimed. "Alice! You weren't supposed to see" she exasperated. 

Lily was holding a pregnancy test in her hand and was about to take it, if Alice wouldn't have walked in on her. "It's okay Lils. I was about to take one too" she said pulling a pregnancy test from her pocket. Lily gasped in shock and the two friends exchanged evil looks before they went in, took the test and came out waiting together for the results. Lily gave Alice her test, and Alice gave Lily hers. Both of them looked at the others test with enthusiasm and hope.And then Lily and Alice gasped together. They looked up at each other, both with huge grins on their faces. 

"You're pregnant" squealed Lily with delight. Alice's face lightened up, "You too Lils. We're both pregnant" she said. They jumped with joy at the news and embraced each other between hugs. Tears of joy escaped their eyes and they exchanged words of happiness. They broke away and wiped away their tears. "I can't believe this. We're pregnant at the same time!" giggled Lily. "Me too" smirked Alice. They talked about the future for about fifteen minutes before Alice said she had to leave and that Frank would be home in a few hours. Lily watched her apparate and then she too walked back inside and helped Blinky make dinner.  

An hour later James and Sirius came back home, covered in dirt and laughing heartily. Lily smiled at the sight of Sirius happy after such a long time. "Hey" they greeted together. "Hey" she greeted back pulling them both into a hug. "Hey Lils" Sirius greeted as he patted her back. They broke away and James pulled her in for a kiss. "Hey there" greeted James. "I missed you" whispered Lily as she hugged him. "Wow! A few hours away and you missed me. What's wrong with the world?" joked James as Lily frowned at him. They sat down and had dinner as they discussed about today's fight. They walked up to their respective rooms as they said their good nights to each other. 

Lily cuddled in closer to James, as they settled down in bed. "So how was your day babe?" asked James. "Oh the usual. I did some chores around the house and hung out with Alice". "Hmmmm" James said as he kissed her head. "Looks like you had a boring day. No adventure today" mocked James. At James's words Lily immediately jumped up and sat on the bed, facing James, her arms around his neck. "What?" said James amused at how Lily was acting. "Now that you mention it, I did get to know something" she smirked. "What?" asked James confused. 

"Well........." dragged on Lily. "OH my god babe! Quit building the curiosity and tell me already" begged James. Lily laughed. 






"Pregnant". "Wait what? You're pregnant?" asked James as his face reflected his shock and joy. 

"Yes babe. I am pregnant" said Lily cupping James's face with her hands. James sat up straight, as he smiled from ear to ear. He pulled her in for a soft passionate kiss filled with emotions. He hugged her, gave her plenty of kisses on her cheeks, forehead and head. They sat there giggling, laughing and hugging at the surprising turn of events. 

"Wait, we need to tell Sirius, and mum and dad" said James sitting up. "Yes. We do" agreed Lily and they decided to go to Sirius first. He was the one who needed some happy news the most. So they got up and walked to Sirius's room and gently knocked on the door. They heard footsteps and soon Sirius cracked open the door just enough to see who it was.

"Seriously.... Now ?? What is it?"groaned Sirius annoyed. "We have something to tell you" said Lily excited. "Well tell me what it is ??" Said Sirius now intrigued.

Lily and James looked at each other, and James turned to Sirius, smiled. "Lily's pregnant" said James. Sirius couldn't believe his ears. He looked from James to Lily. " You are?" He asked. "I am" she said smiling.

"Merlin..that's great news. Perhaps the best news I've heard in a while." Said Sirius as he pulled Lily in for a hug. They hugged each other for a few minutes and Sirius congratulated them. "Took you guys long enough" teased Sirius. James and Lily gave him an amused look. Sirius was himself again.

"Wait did you guys tell mum and dad?" asked Sirius. "We're going to now. Join us?" asked Lily. He nodded and followed them. They heard laughter and voices in the kitchen. They went down to find Dorea and Charlus having a few drinks. "Hey guys" said Dorea as she spotted the trio come in. "We thought you guys would be asleep by now" said Charlus.

"And we thought you guys would be asleep by now" said Sirius sternly.

"We're used to being up late at night Sirius" said Dorea chuckling. " Looks like you guys are in luck then." Said James.

" What do you mean?"asked Charlus confused. "Well with a baby in the house the grandparents would be expected to help out" stated Lily bluntly.  "What baby?' asked Dorea perplexed. Charlus looked at Dorea with a knowing look. "Honeyyyy" he said looking at her. She put her hand over her mouth and let out a gasp. "You're pregnant" said Dorea as she walked up to them. "Oh my Merlin" said Dorea chuckling. She pulled Lily into a hug and Charlus pulled James into a hug. Lily told them about when she found out and then she cracked the news about Alice being pregnant too. Their moods were uplifted by such happy news. The room was filled with joy and they all were happy for the exciting turn of events. 

That night everyone went to bed thinking about only one thing. The baby and how they would always protect the baby. Always

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