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The car screeched to a stop outside of the Academy. The Hargreeves siblings rushed out of the car, Luther taking Serena in his arms again.

"Come on! Let's go!" Five yelled, urging his siblings to move faster.

"I don't think she's breathing," Luther said shakily, glancing down at the girl in his arms. She was entirely covered in blood, and her chest had stopped going up and down, causing a rush of panic to hit the man.

"If we don't get her upstairs, she's gonna die," Klaus whimpered, his face falling at the thought.

Five, being the first out of the car, opened the door of the Academy, making it easier for Luther to bring her upstairs. The siblings all followed him, their movements frantic in worry for Serena.

They couldn't find Pogo downstairs, so they took her to a spare room on the upper level of the house, where they laid her down and yelled for Pogo and Grace to come as soon as possible.

Serena looked ethereal, her hair surrounding her face like a halo. The dark crimson of her blood was very noticable on her white clothing. She looked so fragile, laying there with nothing more than a faint heartbeat.

None of the siblings took their eyes off of her, their hearts beating loudly in their chests as they watched her weak state.

Pogo and Grace, upon hearing their distressed calls and cries, hurried into the room and froze when they saw the girl.

Five was gently holding her neck, hoping to make her position more comfortable. His hands were staining with her blood, but he didn't seem to particularly care.

Pogo shook himself out of the state of shock he appeared to be in, and exhaled shakily. He and Grace quickly prepared their equipment and put on gloves, certain that they would have to operate on the girl who was clinging to her life.

"She's suffered a severe laceration to her larynx," Grace informed both Pogo and the siblings who were watching on with concern. "One of you will need to give blood."

"I will," came the immediate reply of every one of the siblings, determined to save their sister's life.

"I'm doing it," Luther said, glaring at the other's slightly, moving forward.

"I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy," Pogo said solemnly. Everyone's eyes snapped over to him, except for Grace, who was prepping Serena for the blood transfusion.

Pogo sighed. "Your blood is more compatible with mine," he explained quickly. They needed to give this girl blood as soon as possible, otherwise, she was not going to make it.

Luther's face fell at the realisation that he was not able to help his sister. Tears sprang to his eyes as he glanced at her.

"Hey, don't sweat it. I- I got this, big guy," Klaus offered, holding out his hands. He wanted nothing more than to save the girl. "I love needles." He went to stand next to Grace and held out his arm, a hopeful and proud expression crossing over his features.

"Master Klaus," Pogo caught their attention again. "Your blood is... How shall I say this? Too polluted."

Klaus had never been so ashamed and mad at himself. If he would be clean, he would have been able to help her. To save her life.

"Move," Diego said harshly, stepping forward. He was tired of them wasting time, for she didn't have much longer.

"Yeah, go on," Luther said, clearing the path.

"I'll do it," Diego muttered as he went to stand behind Grace. He glanced at Serena, a whirlwind of emotions clouding his eyes.

The siblings all watched tensely, Allison chewing her nails nervously. Five stayed by Serena's side, gently rubbing circles on her hand with his thumb, and muttering things to himself.

No. 8 ; THE SIRENWhere stories live. Discover now