We only see each other at weddings and funerals

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Serena's eyes fluttered open. It took her a moment to recognize her surroundings, but she soon came to the conclusion that she was in a hotelroom that her manager paid for. They had to do a photoshoot under the stars the other night, so she only got home at 3am.

After she left her house all those years ago, she was approached by a photographer, and with his help she has been turned into a model. He didn't have to put in much effort, she was a natural. The man simply showed her beauty to the world. His name is Caleb Brown, and he is Serena's closest friend.

After a few weeks of modelling, she was recognized on the streets. If she was totally honest, she would say she kinda liked the attention. Which she found strange, since she had just escaped all the fame that came with her powers.

She stretched and went to grab her clothes from her closet, but suddenly stopped after seeing that she forgot to turn off the tv when she went to sleep. She saw the news was coming up, so she increased the volume with the remote.

Moments ago, police reported the death of the most eccentric and reclusive billionaire.

Serena didn't know what to think. She was waiting for the news to sink in, and when it finally did, she could only think of one thing; it was time to see her siblings.


Working with you best friend has it's perks. For example, when your adoptive father dies, he can make sure that your manager gives you a month off of work to "deal with this great loss". Serena had thanked him a thousand times over the phone, not knowing how flattered he used to get when she praised him.

With trembling hands she closed the door of her car. She hadn't been at the academy for years, and being back here was just so unreal. She wondered how it would be, being all together (minus Reginald, of course) in the same house. Would everyone still be the same as they were before they left?

If you would ask any of her siblings who they were closest with, every single one of them would have the same answer: Serena. But if you asked Serena the same question, she would say she loved every sibling the same. And none of them would be lying.

She and Luther used to talk a lot. Mostly about training, but also after going on a mission. She was the only one who would voluntarily listen to his rambling about how he took the bad guy down.

She used to help Diego with his stuttering. She walked in on him once, when he was practicing in front of a mirror. He had acted very embarrassed, but Serena didn't laugh at him. She gave him advice, and in return, Diego would teach her how to throw knives.

Allison was the most girly sister of the three, so whenever Serena spent time with her, they would do girly stuff. They both really enjoyed it, they would dress up and help each other with their hair and make-up. After that, they would show their mother their looks, who complimented them and took a picture every time.

Klaus was a very troubled kid, and Serena noticed. She felt like his powers were the worst burden of all, so she would often sneak in his room and check up on him. Whenever he had nightmares, he would go to Serena's room and she would let him lay in her bed, because her presence seemed to calm his nerves.

Five was ambitious, anyone could see that. But Serena could see right through him. The real reason he was so eager to prove himself, was because he was searching for ways to make his father proud, and since Reginald cared about his powers more than him, he tried to impress him with his spatial jumps. Serena was always the one that smiled at his sarcastic comments, and they would often have flirting contests, which Serena would always win ("You used your powers, that's cheating!" "I didn't. I guess I just have a natural charm").

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