The Swedish Job

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After scanning the room one last time to make sure they hadn't missed anything, Five and Serena walked out in search of Diego. They searched the entire building, but their brother was nowhere to be found.

Eventually they found him laying on the ground in an alleyway behind the building, covered in his own blood. They didn't know what had happened to him exactly, but it was clear that he had been shot.

Five and Serena wasted no time in driving him back to the apartment where Serena proceeded to fix him up.

Diego, who had been unconscious mere moments before, woke up with an agonizing scream at a blinding hot pain in his stomach. He raised his head weakly to see Serena hunched over him, biting her lip in concentration as she used a hot poker to close his wound.

When she realised that he was awake, the girl breathed out a sigh of relief. "Oh great, you're not dead," she said with a smile.

"I'm not gonna be alive for much longer if you keep poking me with that thing," Diego groaned in reply. Sure enough, when Serena used the poker again, the man passed out from the pain.

Five space jumped into the room and approached with his hands in his pockets. "Oh. He isn't dead," he remarked.

"That's what I said," Serena muttered, glancing up playfully. "Only with a bit more enthusiasm."

She knew that the wound on Five's neck had stopped bleeding a while ago, and he had covered it with a white bandage after. He held his hand up to his neck and she frowned. "Does it still hurt?"

"Not as much as before," Five muttered.

Serena wanted to say something else, but hesitated. Five noticed and got curious. "What is it?"

"Well..." Serena mumbled, not meeting his eye. Five officially considered himself intrigued. "I've been thinking... Maybe my powers are good for more than just driving men to insanity."

"What do you mean?"

"Can I try something?" She asked, ignoring his question.

Five was a bit hesitant.

"Do you trust me?" Serena asked softly, and he nodded instantly.

"Without a doubt."

Serena gestured for him to come to her, and he did. Serena was sitting on the couch where she had been tending to Diego, and he took a seat in the chair in front of it.

"What do you want me to do?" Five muttered as he made himself comfortable in the chair.

"You don't have to do anything," Serena assured him. "Just keep still. I have to focus."

Five watched in fascination as she closed her eyes. A familiar humming reached his ears, and not long after, the unfamiliar words tumbled from her lips, creating a powerful force along with them.

If Five had any sense left in him, he would have been very confused. Serena never used her powers on her siblings. But now, the sound of her voice left him in a daze, as it did with anyone who listened to it.

It took longer than usual for Serena to find the right combination of vocals, considering that this was new territory for her, but when she did, the message was clear to Five.


Usually, Serena's voice compelled her victim to consciously obey her commands, but now, it even reached her brothers unconscious. Five felt a tingling sensation on his neck, right where his wound was.

It was gone as soon as it came when the girl stopped singing in her unknown language. Five exhaled deeply, feeling incredibly calm as an after-effect of her powers.

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