Man on the Moon

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Serena's siblings had come to visit her many times, besides from Five and Klaus. She was starting to get worried, because Five was trying to prevent the end of the world, and Klaus hadn't been seen since the fight.

During one of her visits, Allison had explained to her what happened to Luther, and Serena felt bad for him. He hadn't visited her yet, so Serena asked Allison if she could get him to come so that they could talk. Allison did as she asked, and a few minutes later, Luther walked in.

She asked him how it happened, why his body was turned into that of an ape. He told her that their father saved his life after a mission, and Serena finally understood his loyalty to their father a little bit more. Luther hadn't been able to look her in the eye, and once she convinced him that she didn't see him any differently than before, he seemed relieved.

He apologized for leaving that room dozens of times, because he thought that if he stayed, he would have noticed that something was wrong with Serena and he could have helped her. Serena had playfully smacked him across the head, saying that it wasn't his fault and he couldn't have known.

Her siblings hadn't told her about their mother's death yet. None of them wanted to be the one to break it to her, and they were all dreading the moment that she would find out. She deserved the truth, but she had been through so much already, they didn't want to put her through this too.

Vanya hadn't been visiting her either. She had constantly been calling to make sure she was okay, but she never came by. Diego must've scared her off.


Meanwhile, at some dusty old motel, Klaus was being held captive. The woman in the pink bunny mask, a.k.a. Cha-Cha, was interrogating him.

"Number Five, where is he?" She yelled while strangling him with a cord.

"Don't... stop..." Klaus grunted. "I'm almost there."

The two captors gave each other a confused glance, until Cha-Cha looked down.

"Is that a...?"

"Yep," Hazel said while quickly looking away. They both sat down on the bed defeatedly.

"Oh! Ah, there's nothin' like a little stranglin' to get the blood flowin', am I right?" Klaus said with a laugh.

Hazel stood up in annoyance. "What's so funny, you asshole?" He asked while smacking the man across the head.

Klaus grunted in pain, but the amused smile never left his face. "Well, for one... you spent the last ten hours beating me senseless, and... you've learned absolutely nothing." He laughed silently. "I mean, nobody tells me shit. The truth is, I'm the one person in that house nobody will even notice is gone. You assholes kidnapped the wrong guy!"


There was one person in that house that always tells him everything. One person who will notice he is gone. One person that could go out looking for him. Serena.

He should have won an award for his acting, because they seemed convinced enough. He figured that telling them that might get him out of that place, so Serena wouldn't have to go looking for him anymore, and she wouldn't be in danger. Klaus's genius moments always involved Serena in some way.

Hazel had enough, and smacked Klaus across the head once again. "Please make him stop talking," he groaned.

"Let's waterboard him," Cha-Cha said while pressing a towel on his face. Hazel was all too happy to pour the water on it, and he felt satisfied when he heard Klaus's grunts. But those grunts soon turned into gurgling.

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