Right Back Where We Started

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Serena could feel herself falling towards the ground as the bright blue orb closed above her. She opened her mouth in a silent scream as she hit the ground and winced slightly at the force.

The first thing she noticed was the quiet. There was no violin music, no people screaming or things shattering, it was absolutely quiet.

Still pumped with adrenaline, the girl stood up, using the wall as support. She turned her head to look at her surroundings and saw that she was in a dark alley. Wonderful.

The girl looked over her shoulder to ask her siblings where the hell they were, but was horrified to see that they weren't there. She was all alone.

"Five?" she mouthed, panic grasping at her heart. "Luther? Klaus? Allison? Diego? Ben? Vanya?"

She put her hand over her mouth as she let out a quiet sob. Where were her siblings? Were they okay?

Serena forced herself to take a deep breath and stay calm. Once her heartrate had gone down to a reasonable level, she took a few hesitant steps outside of the alleyway, and when she did, her jaw dropped.

It was like she had gone back in time.

The models of the cars were older, and the layout of the street seemed weird. Not to mention the clothes that the people were wearing, and the way they did their hair.

She quickly stumbled back into the alleyway, trying to collect her thoughts.

Something must have gone wrong, that much she figured. But if she was okay, her siblings would be too, right? Right. That's what she was going with for now. She couldn't afford to think otherwise.

She was about to formulate a plan in her head, when she saw a man approach her. The man held his hands up defensively when he saw how startled she was.

"H-hey," the man said nervously, shifting on his feet. "Are you okay, miss?"

After a few moments of consideration, Serena decided that the man seemed harmless enough. She nodded at him, and he seemed relieved.

"Good, that's good," he breathed. "I live right here-" he pointed at the large building next to the alley, which seemed like some kind of store "-and you can come in if you want. You seem lost."

Serena smiled at his kind offer. She took out her notepad and began scribbling.

Thank you, that would be wonderful.

The man smiled at her, but he seemed confused. "You can't talk?" he asked with a tilt of his head.

Serena pointed at the bandage that covered her throat, and his mouth formed an o-shape in realisation. "Gosh, I'm sorry," he said sympathetically. "Hopefully you'll be able to talk again soon."

I hope so too, Serena wrote.

The man gestured for her to come. "Come on, let's get you inside and I'll get you something to drink."

Serena walked up to him and fell into step next to him, as he held out his arm for her to hold like a gentleman.

"Oh, my name's Elliott, by the way."


Five fell from the sky in a similar fashion to all his siblings, only he managed to land on his feet, due to his experience with time-travel. He too whipped around to look for his siblings, only to frown in concern upon not finding anyone.

"Serena? Luther! Diego!"

The blue orb above him vanished, but before he had time to catch his breath, he heard gunshots. He quickly sprung to his feet. He slowly walked down the alleyway, watching in disbelief as a full-on war was going on in front of him.

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