Part 10 *More bad written smut*

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"Denki!!!" I heard multiple 1A students yell when I entered the classroom, Hitoshi close behind me. (Of course)
"Hey guy- Aahh!" I was jumped on by Mina and Sero. Shinsou took a step back, probably trying to keep in his laughter.
"We heard you got yourself captured!" Mina said as she got up. "Sorry for jumping on you, you must be tired" Sero also got up and I couldn't help but laugh.
"Meh... It's fine, well, what did I miss?" Bakugou got up and walked towards me, oh no, I felt like he was gonna punch me or something and I guess Hitoshi thought the same because he went to stand in front of me.
"What are you doing Lavender." I gotta admit 'Lavender' was a pretty good nickname for him. "I can protect myself y'know!" I said and pushed him away. Hitoshi just shrugs. "If you say so." He said with a small smile.
"What do you want Kachan?" Bakugou lifted an eye brow. "I was gonna hit you for being so stupid to get captured but.... Nah." Says the one who got captured himself.

"Well, I'm glad you're not gonna hit me, it's good to be back anyway!" I said. "Oh, erm.. Hitoshi, thanks." I turned to face him and in front of everyone (including Aizawa-Sensei) I kissed him. He just grinned when I pulled back. "no problem, cya at lunch?" I nodded and went to sit down. Everyone was staring at either me or Hitoshi and I don't know why but it felt oddly satisfying. "Kaminari, see me after class please." And the satisfaction was gone when I saw Aizawa's dark eyes focused on me.
"Yes sensei." I quickly muttered as Shinsou left.

"You wanted to see me.." I said when everyone had left.
"Yes." Aizawa said shortly. "I wanted to talk about your... Relationship with my son." Why did Aizawa-Sensei have to be so terrifying?! I felt myself getting pale.
"Our... Relationship?..." Aizawa got up and walked towards my desk. "Yes. I wanted to talk with you and Shinsou together but I guess he'll come a little later.." I started to get suspicious of what he wanted but just stayed seated.
"Anyways, bottoms under each other, You're louder then Hizashi." He said with an amused smile.... "Wait... Aizawa-Sensei, you're a bottom?!" I said confused as he reddened.

".. I- no... Maybe.." I couldn't resist a laugh. "Why are we talking about this at school anyway?" he got even redder.
"Because at home both Shinsou and Hizashi are there." Ok, that's fair, I figured.

"You wanted to- oh hey Denki." Hitoshi came walking in after some time of me and Aizawa just talking "Finally, Shinsou, you're late." Aizawa said, sounding somewhat annoyed at having to talk to me.
"Yeah, sorry dad, anyway what is it?" Shinsou sat down in the seat next to me. "last night, Shinsou." Shinsou smirked.
"I'll give you two sound proof dorms, both of you." Aizawa continued and I hid my face. Hitoshi kind of laughed.
"Thanks dad, I appreciate it" Aizawa walked out leaving us alone in the class room. "What were you two talking about before I came?" I blushed.
"Just... Things" He chuckled and lifted my chin to face him.
"What kind of things? It must be interesting if you get so red~" Asshole. "It was just random talk" I said before getting up and walking away.

"So~ You and Shinsou?" Mina said when I came walking into the common room.
"huh?" I sat down, school was over and I was going to watch a movie or something.
"We all know dude." I turned around to face Sero who was already making popcorn for movie night. "All... All of you know?" I looked around the room, everyone nodded. "Yeah, we do Kaminari-kun." Midoriya admitted. I sat down red-faced.
"Le-Let's just watch a movie or something..." Mina laughed and nodded. "The new Spiderman movie is finally out, you wanna watch it?" I shook my head.
"Huh? but you love Spiderman movies.." I smiled at her.
"I already saw it" The all looked at me. "I took him to the movie theater, he choose the movie." Hitoshi came walking in, smiling dangerously. Well.. Any smile coming from Hitoshi is dangerous in my opinion.

"How did you even get in here?" He sat down next to me.
"Aizawa gave me the keys to all buildings, points on my dad being a teacher." His lips curled into a smirk.
"That's unfair!" I laughed. Bakugou looked pissed "Yeah Lavender, this isn't your dorm building so GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!" Hitoshi got up.

"But it is my boyfriends dorm building, so I'm not leaving" This seemed to piss off the Pomeranian even more, I knew he hated Hitoshi but I haven't even seen him this pissed at Midoriya (And that said something)
"Hitoshi... I'm tired as shit so please.." I also got up. "Calm down Kitten, I wasn't planning on fighting this Pomeranian." I couldn't resist a chuckle when he called Kachan a Pomeranian. "Let's just go to my room." I pulled him with me.

"You know, when I say something to Bakugou I'm not immediately starting a fight, unless he starts it first" I sighed, we were cuddling and watching tv.
"I know but, Kachan is stronger then you and I don't want you getting hurt." He smiled reassuringly. "I'm not helpless Kitten." I knew I should believe him.

"Fine, I won't pull you out of fights anymore... Unless you ask for it of course!" I smiled, somewhat proud of myself.
"Thanks now shut up" He said with a smile. I was sitting with my back towards him and had just turned my head to face him.
Despite what he told me, I kept teasing him until he pushed me off him and turned me around "What?" He smiled. "You know Kitten, if you keep being so naughty I might just check how sound proof these rooms really are." I felt my ears redden slightly. 'fuck!!'
"W-what?" He pulled me by the collar of my shirt. "You heard me baby." he seemed to purr it in my ear. he kissed my neck. "H-hey aah~" I tried covering my mouth but he grabbed my hand and pushed it down.
"What do you think you're doing Kitten~?" he swiftly turned us over and got on top of me. "H-Hey!" I tried pushing him away.
"I asked you a question, are you not going to answer me?" I shook my head "N-no-" I don't remember much after that.

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