Chapter 40

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I decided to update early because it's Christmas so Merry Christmas to all our lovely readers.

Thank you so much for everything, we never dreamed of the story becoming as popular as it is and it means a lot. We really couldn't thank you enough.

Jade and I are talking again - thank you to all the well wishes for us.

This is the first time I've written a chapter like this so I hope you enjoy it.

Merry Christmas!

Lia x


I pulled my phone out and dialled Eddie's number,

"Hello," he said in a whisper, I could tell he was scared. I know deep down every single one of them in that room was, even though they were the 'tough' ones they were terrified.

What had I done? I'd risked my life, which isn't that important, Libbie's life and she's pregnant, I've risked Eddie's life and he is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I've risked a bunch of people's life that even though I know them they are like strangers. Maybe they are ill, they could be battling with cancer or depression but they volunteered to help out just so I could try and get my brother back. My brother might not even be here. He could actually be dead. Then I'd have nothing, that letter was a lie, none of it was Sean, it was all whoever that Bitch was.

"Listen, if this doesn't work, I love you so much, I hate showing emotion, everyone knows that but I've done a really bad thing putting you all in danger like this, I could get every single one of you killed and that means losing you, I can't do that. Not now, not ever. I love you, words can't express how much I love you," I said, a tear rolling silently down my cheek, hanging up before I could hear Eddie's voice again I tried to compose myself. Put my 'brave' face back on.

Slowly opening the door, we tip-toed around keeping to the less creaky floorboards, I found a room inside it was something I never wanted to see. Ever. Pictures of Eddie everywhere I looked. With crosses on them, almost like a death wish like he was the next target, Eddie was the one they wanted dead. Not me, not my brother, not anyone else it was Eddie.


Why the most perfect boy in the world?

The only one to understand me, the one I've nearly lost so many times due to being selfish and now I'm close to losing him...forever. Not because of a stupid mistake because there was a gang in the other room, ready to kill anyone they didn't like.

Let's be honest, I can't get someone back when they are dead.

I'll not lose Eddie. So many times I've been close to committing suicide to be with Sean but Eddie has been my rock. He's been the one to comfort me, to tell me I'm worth it, to tell me I deserve to be alive, what if he goes?

If he goes I have no ammunition to stay alive myself.

In one of the drawers I found a small notebook, full of names of people they'd kidnapped or killed and of course their next victims. On the Victim page there was a picture of Eddie and me. But I'd been cut out of it, it was just Eddie, smiling and looking happy.

I gave Libbie the notepad and she shoved it in her pocket.

"We'll save him," she said, I walked out and she followed me. We passed the bathroom and walked slowly back into the room putting on my best smile I looked at the 'happy' picture. I could tell straight away that Eddie was uneasy.

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