Chapter 21

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Urgh, you would not believe the things that are going on here! It's driving me fucking insane and you know what I'm like when I'm going insane!

I miss you and Patty so much! I have a new friend, Kaylee and she is lovely but I still miss you both! How is school without me? Does sir's vein still try and escape his head?'

I laughed at the thought as I wrote the email to my old friends.

"What's so funny?" I jumped and turned to see Kaylee standing at the door.

"You scared me" I put my hand to my pounding chest. Closing my laptop, I looked up and patted the space next to me for Kaylee to sit. She complied and took the bed space on my right.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"Ah, nothing much. You know, the usual. Teachers, homework, yada yada yada" she waved her hand around for effect "Where's queen bitch?"

I stiffened at the name.

Oh you know, she's just out being a super slut and wiping her greasy fingers all over the person I liked.

"Out" I tensed. I had been told that I wasn't allowed to move into a different room as the room I shared with bitch had been my assigned room which really pissed me off.

"She's really pissed you off hasn't she" it wasn't even a question. She already knew that she had. It was weird to hear Kaylee swear though, she rarely did.

I nodded

"She's such a slapper" I nodded again to agree.

"She needs a good wallop" I said, laughing at the picture that came into my head. I fantasized about smacking the mud- sorry, I mean foundation off of that stupid, slutty face of hers.

"Yeah, she does" Kaylee stiffened at my side. An emotion I'd never seen before crossed her eyes and her expression went blank.

"Kaylee?" I called "You alright?" she snapped out of it after a minute or two but stayed rigid.

"Fine" she spat, more under her breath than at me.

"You don't seem fine"

"I'm just sick and tired! I'm fed up with that bitch getting away with bloody murder, spreading her STDs around like they're candy! She does what the hell she wants, takes the mick out of whoever she likes if they don't fit in with her and her crowd. She makes me sick" she spat, huffing from anger.

This was a completely new side to Kaylee that I'm not sure I wanted to see. Well, unless she put it too good use.


I really shouldn't have thought that!

"Where are you going?" I said, running after Kaylee who stormed out.

"Where is she?" she growled

"I-I don't know" I paused "Kaylee, what are you going to do?!"

"Don't worry about me" she continued to stomp down corridors and around all of the shops until we reached the coffee place. It was the same place that Zayn and I had been before but this time, it was packed with nearly all our year. I think there was some sort of amateur band playing in the corner. But all I could focus on was an angry Kaylee, searching for Libbie like she was an eagle, scanning the forest floor for her next unsuspecting victim.

And she found her.

Sure enough, in the corner was Libbie, accompanied by the one and only...


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