Chapter 38

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Here's an update, at last.

Reading through all the comments I'd like to say a few things, to those who were understanding and respected me getting better and sorting the difficult patch in my life out - thank you so much. You all have no idea how much it made me feel better already.

As to those who have 'deleted the story' I completely respect you had other stories to read, but sometimes people have parts of their life when you aren't really thinking straight and that happened. So I'm sorry you gave up on this story but I was going through a tough time, I was also ill and a month before that my laptop had broken so yeah. Might not be a good 'enough' for you to start reading but I've said my piece.

Thank you so much though to all the positive comments wishing me to get better soon etc, and me and Jade to make friends and an update is that we aren't fighting no more, just not talking much so yeah.

And thank you to who commented 'everything's okay in the end if it's not okay then it isn't the end' this is one of my favourite quotes so thank you.

Love you all.

Here we go....

-Lia x x x


The most important question going through my mind right now though was 'do I jump as well?' Maybe I could end my life, escape all of this, it's a quick way to happiness.

No, I didn't jump though. I ran back to my dorm. Not just my dorm though, Gemma's dorm. Here's a little trick I learned, finding my sharpest scissors I cut through all of her clothes, even her designer ones.

Pulling her pink suitcase from the top of her wardrobe I neatly piled all her clothes in, next her shoes. Marker pen, vandalising them, ripping them in every place I could, they can go in her shoe case, I'm not that mean, all in size order! This is fun.

Soon everything of hers was ripped up or ruined in some way and all neatly packed up. Her side of the room was bare. There was one thing I'd left though, one thing that Libbie was keeping safe for me - her diary. I'll find my brother; I need to know whether he is dead or alive, and I will find out. Whether it kills me or not, I'll find my brother.

I will.

Dragging Bitch's suitcase I left it outside the main hall in the pouring rain. Maybe I got soaked walking there, but it will be worth it.

The ambulance had come by the time I made it back to mother, Eddie and Libbie, I went and stood with them and Eddie put his arm protectively over my shoulder,

"You didn't, did you?" he whispered in my ear, obviously talking about how Bitch went from being on the roof to the floor.

"No, she jumped, I wouldn't touch that," I replied, through gritted teeth staring at her as she was put on a stretcher and into the ambulance.

"Does anyone actually know what happened?" asked one of the policeman who had just arrived, mother stepped forward ready to say no, but what help is that going to do?

"I went up to the roof hatch where I saw her and before I could say anything she'd jumped," I said, putting on my best 'depressed' voice. It might be a lie but I didn't push her, and I wasn't going to let the police shut my mother's school down because of that Bitch.

"Well, we'll have to come back tomorrow and investigate etc, and you'll have to give a statement, all of you," replied the police man,

"Yes, I completely understand," I replied.

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