Chapter 29

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hey, it's Jade :)

So this chapter is soooo overdue but Lia and I really didn't know if to carry on with the story or finish it but carry on with it in a sequel but after the majority of the comments were to carry on, we did, woo!

Also, we are going to start putting in an Authors Note at the beginning of each chapter the day for the next update because we get a lot of comments asking when the next update will be :-)

Finally, thank you all for being so patient for this update and for all the people who have read, voted, commented and fanned us:-)

Next Update: Wednesday

Enjoy :)

P.S if anyone wants to make us a banner or a trailer, we will be more than happy to add it to the side of a chapter and dedicate it to you:-)


I laid at his side feeling the warmth radiating from his body but yet feeling so cold inside.


It was like I was in a room full of people but still feeling so alone. I'd trusted him. I'd trusted him with everything because he made me. He made me trust him. No matter how much I ignored him, warned him, told him to go away, he etched his way in and made me fall for him.

Yes, I was in love with him.

He made me love him too.

I promised myself for so many years that I would never fall in love and yet he made me. He knew how much that promise meant to me... It was all because of my dead brother for god sake and he still had to go and do something like this!

I was heartbroken as I lay there, a shell of myself as I realised no-one could be trusted.

My family: hate me.

My soon-to-be ex-boyfriend: got another girl pregnant.

My old friends: don't care about me.

My brother: dead.

If my brother was here, I know he'd be comforting me. He'd be telling me that I didn't need a jackass like that. That's what made it worse. He wasn't here to tell me everything would be ok. He couldn't tell me that there was plenty more fish in the sea. Because he was dead. And because he was dead, I made that stupid promise!

To be honest, I had it coming. I had it coming because lets face it, Libbie is better than me. As much as I hate to admit it, she's prettier than me. She's skinnier and she has a nicer smile. Her eyes aren't dull like mine and her hair isn't bland. She's perfect for Eddie and I'm just... me. I always knew that Eddie was too good for me and soon enough he would figure that out himself and he will. He will figure it out because now he has no choice but to be with the future mother of his child even if she is a massive whore!

Suddenly, the feeling came back. That feeling engulfed my whole body making me feel more alone that ever. I felt disgusted in myself. Was it me? Was I never good enough for anyone? I was a disappointment to my parents. My own boyfriends would prefer someone else if he even knew it himself. My brother had rather die than stay with me. I just repelled everyone away from me. I always knew that I was never the smartest, the most beautiful or even the nicest but I always thought that there would be someone who would love my flaws and I thought that person was the innocent-looking boy who's arms I was engulfed in.

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