Chapter 20

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*Eddie's P.O.V*

I've never told anyone I loved them, even when I did. And for that exact reason I have just lost Victoria. The only girl who I have ever truly cared about and its all because I am a stupid dick head who can't tell the truth.

If I told the truth we would both probably be sitting here now.

But no.

I didn't say I loved her. She said she loved me.

Why couldn't I bring the words to say it?!

She thinks I'm like everyone else. She must feel how every girl does when they have said they loved me and I never said it back.

How the fuck did I let her become like any of the other girls who fell for me?!

She's unique, she's a one of a kind, she has a past, she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. She may put on an act that makes people think she's just a stupid player, but she's more than that. She's everything. Yeah, Tori has a difficult past but she keeps her head high and me being me I have just ruined all that.

She let her guards down. For me.

*Tori's P.O.V*

Not loved. Not cared about. This has proved my point. Every single time I've been screaming inside, saying no one cared. I had hope. I had a little bit of hope that one day someone will tell me they do.

Someone will tell me that I'm not just something to them, I'm everything to them. I mean the world to them. I know I always promised myself that I wouldn't fall in love. Ever. But I still had hope, somewhere inside me that someone would tell me they loved me.

The only person who I want to tell me that is Eddie.

And he won't.

Do you know why?!

Because he doesn't love me.

He is me. But in a male version. This must be how every boy who I have broken feels.

Ugh why the hell have I been so stupid?

Well there's no time to sit and mope, best get doing what I do best.

Breaking rules.

I've been fairly good recently if I say so myself.

Mother's office?! Now that is a place that could definitely do with so vandalizing.

No one will stop me.

It's a good thing I brought some spray paint with me. Walking into her office I didn't bother to check if anyone was around to watch me, not that I care anymore. They're not going to send me to prison so I couldn't give one single fuck.

Pulling out my favorite spray paint, red, I started with the walls not coloring it all just the local patterns which are on every wall in the park at home. I miss that place, home.

No, Tori stop thinking about things you like.

I've already broken windows before so I won't use that one again.

Super glue!

And tissue.

Spread all over the triple-glazed windows.

~ an hour later ~

Certain improvement.

Loving this.

That should be all I think.

Walking out I felt proud of myself.

Before you all go thinking how the hell could she do this to her mother you obviously haven't understood our 'relationship' properly. Here let me explain.

She, that cow, doesn't care about me. Never has and never will. Nor did she care about Shawn. Shawn was the best boy to ever live and I miss him every singe day, I miss him like crazy. He was my big brother and my best friend. He was the best big brother I could ever ask for, or want. He was perfect, he would always defend me when my 'parents' started shouting at me. After all I was only little, I couldn't fight back, not like I can now. They created me. They are the reason I am like I am. Not caring about school, or people. I haven't exactly been the greatest role model to anyone, so I'm lucky I have no younger siblings. But it is there fault I've been expelled more times than they've had Sunday dinners. It's their fault I went around breaking peoples' hearts and it is their fault I'm stuck here at this horrible place.

Yes, its a good school, but I couldn't care less. I want to be back at my school, I never took notice to anything but it was home. It was the longest I had been at a school and they ruined everything that meant something to me.

Thinking, now if they had been there for Shawn, maybe just maybe, he wouldn't have touched the drugs. He wouldn't have ended his life. If they had even cared I could still have a brother. They practically killed him.

So that's my reason to hate my parents.

You can't pick your family, because if you could, I certainly wouldn't have chosen them.


As I walked out of the room and down the corridor I saw Libbie hugging Eddie.

Typical, he can't love me can he? Not if he loves Libbie.

Obviously attracted to whore bags who can't keep their pants up.

I walked off in no particular direction.

Trying to hold back tears, which I haven't been great at these past few days.

If I died right now, I wouldn't care.

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