Chapter 39

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I am really really sorry i haven't updated in ages but i've had some problems lately and that didn't leave me much time so this is really short and a quite rubbish chapter but i tried to update, please don't hate me guys:/

I promise it will be a better next chapter when Lia updates :)

-Jade xo

"Come on babe" The gang leader said. He lead us all around the back of an apartment block to a similar one.

"Which floor are you on?" Libbie asked

"Floor?" He scoffed "We own de whole buildin' sweetcheeks" He said with a wink and smile. It disgusted me how he could smile.

But my brother was in there.

In this very building.



"What are we waiting for?" I asked, walking with a bounce in my step to the door and waiting for one of the other gang members to open it. He willingly did and within a minute we were inside.

It was a run-down place. The walls which were orginally white were pealing; a dull yellow colour and the carpet to match. The walls and floor was strained and smelled of smoke, dust and alcohol.

"What do youz tink?" The Bitch's brother or Derek as we found out was his name, said with pride. Was he really proud of this shit hole?

"Lovely" Libbie said, sarcastically but they thought she was being serious. She walked further into the what was meant to be a lobby and spun on the spot, taking another look at the place. "Do you guys have a bathroom?" She asked, winking at me

"Yeah, do you?" I asked, batting my eyelashes at Derek. Eddie didn't look to happy but he knew the reason for me doing this.

"Down the corridor, second left" Derek said with a wink at Libbie and then he turned to me "Come find me afterwards, i'll be on the second floor, room 13, hurry" he said, making Eddie go bright red. I saw him about to advance on Derek but i gave him 'the look' and he backed off.

"I'll try" I tried to sound seductive as Libbie and I went down the corridor and the others went down the corridor opposite. We eventually found the bathroom and locking the door, we both jumped onto the counter and sat next to each other.

"Right, we need to do this quickly" Libbie said "We can't spend ages when they think we're just in the bathroom. If we take a while, someone might catch on and they have the rest of our team so this has to be quick" She breathed loudly

"I don't know how to do this" I said half to myself and half to her.

"We have no time for procrastinating" She said

"I know that" I snapped "I'm sorry, this is just all settling in"

"Well can't it settle in quicker?!" She was obviously getting agitated.

"Look, we are on the same team, we can't start turning on each other. We trusted Gemma or Kaylee or whoever and look where that got us! We need each other so just lets get on with figuring out where my brother is and then get the hell out of here!"

"I agree" She said sighing "I'm sorry, i'm just... scared"

"So am I" I admitted

"Right, we need a plan and we need it fast because they will be catching on very soon and if that happens, you know they'll kill him.. and possibly us too"

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