chapter one: frat party

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tw: rape and abuse

word count: 2324


kyle was a popular, frat boy at his school. he always seemed so happy and like his whole life was together. he played football, had lots of friends, always made the honor roll. you would never have guessed how bad  kyle's home life was.

"come on, kyle." his mom said. "no one can please you like i can."

kyle didn't feel like getting beat tonight so he squeezed his eyes shut as his mom trailed her hand down to his underwear and started to touch him.

after his mom left, kyle felt disgusting. he was covered in his moms slobber and had just been raped.

he turned to his side as his mom shut his door cried as silently as he could. he knew if anyone heard him, he'd be raped or hurt again. he constantly felt like he was a prisoner in his own home.

a few blocks down was this school house thing, kyle wasn't really sure what is was exactly. but it was only it was only for girls. it was white and huge. little did he know, it was a coven.

there was a party being held there this friday, and kyle was dreading it. but anything to get away from "home".

the next morning when he woke, he quickly showered and got out of there before his mom and step dad awoke. he never ate at home, the food wasn't really for him.

"kyle!" his friend said, putting a hand up for a high five. "coming to the party tonight?"

kyle nodded and high fived him back.

"you know it." kyle smiled and headed off to class.

his smile was always big and bright and full of life.

that night, kyle was getting ready to leave for the party when his moved walked in.

"before you go kyle-" she said. "come here."

kyle immediately felt like dying.

she walked up behind kyle and started thrusting against him.

"i have to go mom. later?" he said, getting out of that house super fast. he felt gross again. he wanted to cry, but his friends were here to pick him up and he had to act okay.

the boys walked into the party. lights were fading colors of purple, blue and red, music was blaring. kyle and his friends split up a little.

the first thing kyle wanted was a drink. he poured some punch into his red solo cup and leaned up against the wall. out of the corner of his eye he saw the most beautiful girl he'd ever seen.

she was wearing a small black dress, and seemed shy. her hair was long and looked to be a shade of dirty blonde. she looked super nice.

kyle had never been more stunned by a girl before. he walked up to her and introduced himself.

"hey, i'm kyle. are you new here?" he said.

"zoe. and yeah-i just moved into this academy last week." she smiled. "frat boy right?"

the two laughed and talked for a while longer.

zoe thought he was cute too, but considering what had just happened with her last boyfriend she was too scared to try and take anything any farther.

"do you know where madison is?" she asked, looking around.

"here i'll help you look." he said, walking to look for zoe's friend.

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