chapter three: breaking point

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tw: rape and abuse

word count: 1645
kyle woke up in zoe's bed, with zoe in it. suddenly, he reminded last night and his face went red. he was super embarrassed.

he laid next to her, being careful not to wake her up.

he didn't remember what he said last night, or anything like that really.

zoe's eyes opened, and she turned to see that kyle was already awake and looking at the ceiling.

"are you okay?" she asked.

"yeah. i'm sorry."

"it's okay. not your fault."

kyle sat up and got out of bed.

"i should probably head home soon."

zoe was still tired and didn't feel like getting up.

"10 more minutes?" she asked, pulling the blanket up.

"i'll walk. it's okay." kyle smiled at her, as he grabbed his phone and started to leave.

"text me please."

"i will. goodbye!"

after kyle shut the door, zoe rolled over and laid there for a couple of minutes. she thought about kyle and his little episode last night. something really bad must of happened, or been happening.

kyle was walking home. hands in this jacket. it was chilly out and his anxiety was bad. he felt that today would be a bad day. he just spent the night with the most beautiful girl in the world, and embarrassed himself.

hey zo. i'm sorry about last night.

he sent the text and then walked up to his doorstep.

no one was home. he was relieved. kyle showered and got dressed and stuff like that for the day. he even ate while he had the chance.

stop apologizing kyle.

his phone dinged and he looked at his text. he knew he didn't have to apologize but he felt so bad.

i loved seeing you.

kyle set his phone down when he heard a car pull up into his driveway. it was his mom. he tried to act like he was doing school so that she would leave him alone.

"kyle, hunny. where were you last night?" his mom said, looking through his door.

"i was with chance and ryan. sorry the party ended late and they let me sleep over."

his mom walked away from the door.

thank god.

kyle scrolled through his phone for a few minutes before zoe texted again.

i loved seeing you too.

before he could reply, he heard his mom yelling his name.

"kyle! come in here."

kyle got up and went to his mom. she was in lingerie.

"do you like it?"

kyle backed up. what the fuck was she showing him this for?

"actually mom, i have to go."

she grabbed kyles arm and threw him to the wall.

kyle pushed back. he rarely hit her when she tried to do this but he couldn't take anymore of this.

"stop." he cried, trying to get out of the house.

she ran infront of the front door and refused to let him out.

broken|| ahs kyle spencer and zoe bensonWhere stories live. Discover now