chapter eleven: spells

588 11 12

tw: none that i can think of!

word count: 1121

kyle was able to form sentences now, and walk more on his own. he was struggling, but doing a bit better now. zoe barley knew this though, cause kyle refused to talk to her. he didn't want to upset her or annoy her.

"i'm getting in the shower." zoe said, grabbing a towel and going into the bathroom.

she was miserable. it wasn't a relationship anymore it felt like, there was no sex, barley any talking, not a lot of kissing and no comfort on zoe's side.

kyle waited until she turned on the shower to practice talking. he was upset, though. he felt like he was a living hell to zoe.

"i-i love y-y-you." he choked out. he was practicing so that he could tell zoe the things he wanted to say.

eventually, he heard to shower shut off and he stopped talking.

zoe came out of the bathroom, dressed and clean.

"you okay?" she said, sitting in-front of him on the floor.

he nodded.

"can you talk, please?" she begged, "just a word or two."

kyle looked down and sighed. he was worried that zoe thought he didn't know enough yet.

he reached for her hands and held them.

"i-i lo-love you." he said, looking up at her to see her reaction.

she smiled, she was so happy. she leaned in and gave him a big, happy hug.

"i love you too."

zoe helped kyle through more sentences for an hour. he was doing good, no outbursts and he was able to say things well.

"you keep doing this, okay?" zoe said, "i have to go, fiona is taking us out today."

kyle nodded.

"will you be okay here?" she said, kissing kyle.


zoe smiled and pecked him on the cheek one last time before leaving.

zoe was worried, but she couldn't babysit him all the time.

kyle was sick of being alone all the time and not being able to walk or talk well on his own. he was also sick of crying.

he watched out the window to see that everyone had left before attempting to get downstairs, it was tiring and hard but he did it.

"what are you doing down here?" cordelia said softly, looking at kyle struggle.

kyle forgot that not everyone had left, just fiona and the girls.

kyle sat down at the table and cordelia walked up to him.

"they did a terrible job fixing you up." she said, touching a scar on his neck.

he nodded, unsure of what else to do or say.

"well, luckily for you, i can fix you up." she said, helping him up.

kyle and cordelia went into cordelias work area. she layed him down on the table and removed his shirt.

"stay still." she said, turning off the lights.

kyle was scared, but he trusted her.

cordelia was flipping through a book.

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