chapter two: sleepless

878 18 14

tw: abuse and rape

word count: 1244
it'd been a week since they met at the park and hung out. zoe and kyle texted eachother a few times a day, and sometimes zoe would call but kyle would usually hang up after a few minutes or refuse the call.

kyle never felt safe. at school, he was scared someone would find out. at home, he was raped and beaten. when he was alone, he was scared of what he might do to himself.

kyle hadn't been beaten in 2 days, but the molestation was nearly every day.

he'd go to bed in tears, scared that every noise was someone opening the door to his room to hurt him.

hey kyle, everything ok?

zoe sent texts every once and a while. kyle always answered. kyle was falling for her, hard. but he didn't want her to ever find out about his home life.

i'm good. how are you?

i'm okay. i was wondering if you wanted to drive around with me tonight?

okay. i'll pick you up at 9?

no. i'll pick you up.

zoe wanted to see where he was living, and she really wanted to see him.

3 hours until 9.

kyle got changed into a black t-shirt, jeans, and his football jacket. he was nervous, but so excited to see her.

his face has no bruising, but his stomach did. so did his arms and legs.

kyle heard the door crack open. fear ran through his body.

it wasn't his mom though, it was his step dad.

he threw a beer bottle at kyles head, which cut his forehead open.

"fuck." he whispered, touching the blood on his forehead.


his step dad threw a trash bag into kyles hands and slammed the door shut, so hard it almost broke.

kyles head was throbbing. he put the bag down, and went to the mirror in his bedroom. he pressed a tissue against his cut. he thought about zoe.

he couldn't do this infront of her again.

hey maybe another night. i'm sorry. i'll make it up to you.

nooo. i'm already 5 minutes away.

kyle looked at the time. 9:02. he didn't even notice how late it was.


kyle waited a minute before climbing out his window, he didn't want to walk out the front door in fear of his step dad yelling at him.

zoe pulled up to kyles house, kyle was sitting on the porch looking at his phone.

his face had a fresh bloody cut. zoe got worried.

"hey zoe!" he said, getting up and flashing his white teeth and cute dimples. "sorry about almost bailing."

zoe unlocked the door and let him in. zoe reached over to his face and touched his cut a little. kyle flinched. she gave kyle a look before letting go.

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