chapter five: secrets and lies

837 14 3

tw: mentions of self harm and suicide

word count: 1655
zoe woke up the next morning, her eyes were swollen from being so tired and her head hurt. she looked up at kyle, who had tear stains on his face.

she placed a soft kiss on his face before hugging him.

it was 9am, and zoe had lessons at 9:30. she slipped out of bed, careful not to wake him so that she could get dressed.

she got changed into all black of course and then brushed her hair and teeth.

kyle opened his eyes, and saw zoe putting on makeup. he was a little disappointed that he even woke up at all.

"where are you going?" he said.

zoe turned around to look at him, "i have a lesson. sorry-but you have to stay here. don't make much noise."

zoe walked over and kissed his lips. her lips were coated in smooth lipgloss, and a little was left on kyles lips when she pulled away.

"you'll be okay. right?"

"i'll be okay."

zoe went to the bathroom and grabbed the advil from the cabinet and her blades and razor from under the sink which he used herself, just incase kyle found them and used them.

kyle laid around the room while zoe was in her lesson, it wasn't long maybe an hour to an hour and a half at most.

when zoe got back, she emptied her pockets of the blades and pills into a drawer in the bathroom while kyle wasn't looking.

"are you hungry?" she asked, sitting down next to him.

"a little." 

"come on, let's go get something."


cordelia was yelling at the girls from downstairs.

"fuck. i'm sorry. i'll be right back." zoe said, running out the door.

kyle sighed. he was actually excited to go out to eat with zoe, but it was fine.

cordelia ended up wanting the girls to get another lesson it that day, so kyle was up there by himself for like an hour.

kyle looked around zoe's room, just out of curiosity.

there was a notebook open on her desk, he didn't mean to read it but it was already flipped open to the page.

i still blame myself for his death. i cant stay clean. how am i supposed to go on after he died in front of me? i've been clean for a day. well i was, i cut myself 20 minutes ago. i'm so sad.

zoe never mentioned someone dying infront of her, or that she self harmed. kyle felt heavy after reading that. the date was just a day ago. now that he thought about it, he never had seen zoe's wrists. she always wore long sleeves.

he felt really bad for invading her privacy and reading that. he sat back down on her bed and just thought about zoe for a little. until zoe walked through the door.

"sorry kyle, there was another lesson." she said, coming to sit with him. "do you wanna go out now?"

"yeah." he said, "do you mind if i try and get clothes from my house?"

"no that's fine, come on let's go."

zoe checked to see if anyone was downstairs first, and then her and kyle sprinted out the door and into her car.

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