chapter sixteen: anything but weak

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tw: rape and death

word count: 1007

"what the fuck, man?" kyle said, grabbing the pictures away from the man.

they were pictures of zoe being raped by the man.

"yo, i'm just trying to figure out what happened to my buddy, jim." the man said, scrolling through the security videos from that night. the video of here being raped was there, but it looked like madison and zoe erased any evidence of his death.

"your buddy is a rapist." kyle said, mad that something explicit of his girlfriend was being looked at by men.

"i was just lookin- no need to get mad." he said, standing up.

"oh fuck off." kyle responded, he was never mean to strangers but he hated that this random guy saw zoe at her worst.

he walked out of the gas station before he could get any more mad. he sat in the car, and slammed his hand against the wheel. if zoe knew that there was footage of her rape, of her bare body and that it was being looked at by strangers she would break.

he started to drive back to the coven, he was so nervous and scared. he was mad at everything, and upset by what he had seen on the photos and in the video. her cry, it hurt him so badly to see that.

he walked up the steps to their room, zoe was sitting, reading a book.

"hey, zoe." he said, his voice shaking.

"hey." zoe said looking up from her book. "what's wrong? your face is basically white."

kyles face had gone pale after thinking about what happened to zoe.

"yeah, good." he said, his voice still shaking.

zoe put her book down and got up to go to kyle. she placed her hand on his cheek and looked at him in a reassuring way.

"it's nothing, zoe. just tired from last night." he said, kissing her on the nose.

"okay." zoe said, going back to the bed to read her book. she was feeling a lot better then she did this morning.

kyle sat down beside her and pretended to scroll through his phone, but really he was thinking about what he saw on that video and in those pictures. he looked at her, and felt sick.

he was super nauseous, and anxious. he wanted to tell zoe, but he knew it would make her upset and she seemed pretty okay at the moment.

"kyle?" she said, placing her hand on his forehead. "you okay? your so pale."

he nodded and set down his phone. he let out his arms to motion zoe to lay on his chest, and she did.

"i love you." he said.

"i love you too."

zoe could hear his heart beating fast, and she couldn't help but wonder why he was acting so shaken up. then she started to wonder if maybe he was scared of her.

"are you scared of me?" she asked, pushing her hair out of her face and looking at him.


"do you think i'm going to hurt you with my powers?"

"no." he said, "no, i'm not scared of you."

"what's wrong then? your acting weird." zoe said, sitting up.

he wasn't sure if he should say it or not, but he decided to get it over with.

"i went to that gas station this morning." he told her.

zoe looked mad and also a little upset.

"there's a video." he said, sitting up and putting his hand on hers.

"no, madison got rid of the video of him dying." she said, pulling her hand away.

"not of him dying." he said.

"what?" she whimpered, she knew deep down what he meant. "you saw it?"

kyle nodded, a few tears fell from his eyes and he became super nauseous.

"i did."

"the video was of, ya know."

kyle nodded again, and started to pull her in for a hug.

zoe was in shock, and embarrassed.

"you shouldn't have gone there."

"i know." he said, looking down.

"fuck." she said, getting up from the bed and locking herself in the bathroom.

kyle wanted to go after her, but he knew she needed space.

zoe sat in the bathroom, crying. she was upset about what had happened to her, she was mad that kyle had gone there, and she was embarrassed and upset that kyle had seen what the guy did to her. she never ever wanted him to see her that vulnerable. that scared.

she wondered if kyle would ever look at her the same.

she wiped off her tears and pulled herself together before walking back out.

"i'm sorry, zoe." he said, "you have the right to be mad."

zoe sighed. "i'm not mad. i'm upset."

zoe threw on a jacket and started to put her hair back.

"where are you going?" he said, but she didn't reply and just kept doing what she was doing.

"are you ever going to be able to look at me the same?" she whimpered.

kyle stood up and walked near her, the truth was no, but not in a bad way. it's just now, he knew what zoe was feeling the moment she got raped, and he could relate. he know sees her as a stronger person, but he also feels guilty for not being there.

"yes." he said, "how do you think i'd look at you now?"

kyle placed his arm around zoe and pulled her in.


he kissed her and brushed his thumb against her cheek.

"you're not weak."  he said, "you're anything but weak."

zoe smiled sadly and fell into his arms, she didn't cry or anything she just hugged him.

"don't worry, i'll get that video." he said, "no one else will ever see it."

zoes eyes filled up with tears, she thought about what happened to her and felt sad but she also thought about the fact that that guy was dead and felt a puddle of guilt.

sorry for the late update, i've had a busy week! what should happen next??

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