Chapter 3: Forest Trek

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Okay. I'm just going to come out here and apologize because I am terrible at writing dramatic scenes. If you know this and wish to continue, I hope you enjoy.

! Blood Warning !

Noelle POV

The impact was worse than she had imagined. The tendril shot through her shoulder, pain spreading through her body. The young Silva tried to remain her footing, but she only succeeded to soften the blow to the floor.

She tried to locate her teammate, but her vision was blurry, only seeing pieces of color. Noelle wanted to cry, or scream, or even whimper, but she couldn't even breathe. The cuts located all over her body only worsened. Asta and the remaining mist were talking in the distance, but her ears were buzzing, and she couldn't tell what they were saying. She attempted to get up, using her uninjured arm to lift herself.

Was the ground always so slippery?

Noelle looked down, her blurry vision only showing a fuzzy red. Blood. A thick coat of blood covered floor underneath her. Her body felt heavy, and despite being covered in blood, she was cold. Very cold.

"No . . . elle?" Asta's voice comforted her, but the pain didn't go away.

The silver-haired girl's arm was weak, and gave way, Noelle collapsing to the floor. She shut her eyes, giving up.

Is this . . . my end?

But I didn't even get to-


What did I not do?

Suddenly her body felt lighter. And warmer. It kind of felt Noelle looked up and met green eyes.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

What do you think?

"I'm fine Bakasta," the pale girl's voice was barley a whisper.

"Yeah right," Asta said, and promptly carried her out of the cave, bridal style. Noelle didn't argue, and fell asleep in his arms.

Asta POV

It scared him. Not the curse, not the warning, not the creatures, not the blood. What scared him was the unconscious girl in his arms. Her pale hair was splotched red, and her clothes were beginning to dry, leaving her clothes stained brown.

Looking at Noelle's poor form made him feel guilty. He had been carelessly attacking the opponent instead of taking in his surroundings. It was like a fist had clenched around his heart.

Without Noelle's magic broom and her being unconscious, it was going to take a lot longer to reach base. Which was bad, because Noelle wasn't getting any better and she needed treatment now. So th short ash-blonde boy did something very Asta-like.

He ran.

Admittedly, holding a 17-year old girl slowed him down, but nonetheless, he was determined. Asta wasn't going to beat Yuno in a race at this point, but he would definitely save his teammate. Nothing was going to stop him. The Black Bull ran past forests filled with lush vegetation and leafy trees, filled with deer, insects, rodents, birds, and dirt. He couldn't care less about the scenery, only his destination. Every so often he would make sure Noelle was still breathing, then continue.

TIMESKIP ('bout a day)

They had started their mission early in the morning, and now, the sun was setting from the second day. The blue sky faded to a hazy rosy orange with grey clouds. As the sun dipped below the horizon, the temperatures cooled dramatically. The sky was a deep violet sprinkled with bright stars that seemed to look down at Asta and say. 'Ya got long ways to go, buddy.' The short boy sighed and looked ahead. The forest was still thick and dark, cold shadows sending shivers up his back. He looked down at Noelle, who shuddered then opened her soft pink eyes that shone even in the night.

"Asta?" she whispered softly.

He grinned down at his fellow Magic Knight.

"I'm gonna save you, 'kay?" he said, confident in his promise.

Noelle's eyes lidded as she murmured, 'kay' and fell back asleep. A cold breeze blew by, and Noelle shivered, rubbing her cheek against the cloth of Asta's shirt to warm up. Looking down at her, the Black Bull found it cute. Adorable, even. Asta shook his head. He loved Sister Lily and he would marry her. Noelle was just a teammate the short Black Bull was to protect.

Just a friend . . .

But did he want it that way?

Asta sighed and continued his trek, picking up the speed.

Now not the time to debate this stuff in my head! I have to save her.

Right. Noelle was his friend. And Asta saved his friends. The young Silva would never be anything more than a friends. He was somewhat disappointed by this conclusion. The anti-magic user looked up. In the small of space between the trees, slivers of light peeked through the blocking trees. Asta ran toward the light, arriving at the Black Bull's headquarters. The ash-blonde boy opened the door, warm light covering him. As the comfortable and familiar aura surrounded him, Asta realized how exhausted he was.

"We're home," the Black Bull managed to say before collapsing on the floor.

Finally a new chapter done! If this many updates seems like a rush, sorry. :( I just don't want to be that one author that says, 'I'm going to update twice a week!' and then updates like once every year. Anyway, please tell me what you enjoyed, or anything you want me to change. One more VERY IMPORTANT thing. If you have any more ships (obviously other than Astelle) that you want me to include, please let me know! I will warn you though, they might not last the whole book.

Thank You! :D

Published: Feb 2, 2021

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