Chapter 18: I Hate Spiders

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Sorry I suck at writing action. :(

Asta POV

(In terms of Noelle's time, he arrives as she wakes up. :)

Well he had arrived, at least. This island was pretty cold for a tropical island or whatever. He had gone alone and specifically asked his teammates to not follow him. Asta didn't want to be responsible for their deaths. Traveling the vast cool forests sent shivers up his back. The anti-magic boy didn't know if this was the right place. But the vast amount of fog and the creepy feeling that shot up his back was good enough. This place wasn't on maps either, so it was pretty suspicious.

"Well, time to escalate this creepy looking tower maze thingy," Asta muttered to himself before entering the cave. He didn't even fit at first, so he had to shimmy sideways through the walls.

The path was narrow and sharp, and clearly screaming 'Do not enter,' but Asta ignored his brain telling him to bolt. Walking alone in the damp, dark, odd cave was creepy, and Asta would be much happier if he had brought Magna along just for light or companionship. The ground was squishy and wet, providing the anti-magic user a healthy dose of disgust. He couldn't see where he was stepping, and no idea where he was going.

Click . . . Click

The young Black Bull froze, unsheathing his swords from his grimoire, looking around to even try a glance at whatever was coming at him. But nothing came, so Asta cautiously proceeded. The cave got lighter, surprisingly as he went farther from the entrance of the cave, as glowing gems and crystals began to appear on farther walls.

The ground got harder as the teen traversed the halls, going through random passageways as he reached forks in the path. Only relying on his gut, which didn't seem to be very reliable. The narrow paths became wider so Asta could walk straight and have plenty space to move, which was a plus. It felt like hours that he had been walking, but it was most likely only minutes.

Click. . . Click

There was that sound again. Asta readied his swords before looking around the illuminated cave for the source of the clicking. And just when he thought he had seen everything, a large spider looking thing crawled out of the passageway in front of him.

It had a pale face with eight beady red eyes. It's mouth held two extremely sharp fangs, and most likely poisonous as well. The spider had eight legs, thin and chalky, with dagger like endings. The set of limbs in the front held scythes that were slightly faded pink from previous victims. The weird spider charged at the Black Bull and Asta sliced in a cross motion, cutting the arachnid into four. Green blood splashed on the walls. Asta wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"Who knew spider remains smelled so bad?" The boy complained before carefully picking his way through the stinky entrails littering the floor. He had no time to waste, as he was taking his time traveling through the tower. Asta knew this, so he began to run, and quickly did away with any ugly and odd monsters that crossed his path. The ash-blonde boy hoped that what ever path he took, it would lead him to Noelle.

Asta killed rodents, toads, oversized snakes, birds, monkeys, and it was starting to creep him out. These odd monsters usually didn't pop up so much, and many of them he hadn't even seen before. It was weird to see these monsters that he didn't recognize. Which justified this 'dangerous quest' thing even more. But Asta would not give up. They weren't that tough anyway.

"Hmmmm?" A sticky sickeningly sweet voice echoed through the cave. It was impossible to tell which way it was coming from, as it was only an echo. Still, Asta was on edge as he prepared for an ambush.

"Come to save Her subject? What a fool. Come if you wish, but your death is inevitable." Asta growled and decided to ignore this voice. This woman had Noelle, and was planning to use her as some kind of 'subject' for 'Her,' and the anti-magic user was not about to let that happen. Now he could feel the ki from this witch and followed the strong trail. He ran, but not fast enough.

Noelle's time was running out.

Noelle POV

Noelle was shot back to the painful present, away from the single warm memory of her childhood. Tear were dripping from her face, happy tears. She was filled with absolute ecstasy from remembering that small fact.

"See? I was right," Noelle retorted, a weak smile on her face. The demon scowled, gripping a sort of cane she hadn't seen before. It was long and wooden, just a plain stick.

"Your past no longer matters, dear. I may not have the base of despair I wished for, but it is still there. And I will make sure to exploit it for my master." Now that Noelle was momentarily out of her bonds, she snatched her wand and readied it, to face the woman in front of her. The Puppeteer drew her own wand, dropping her cane. And she waited for her to pounce.

The water mage raced for the kill, first opting her Valkyrie Armour. She would not waste any time to get out of this chamber. Noelle shot a volley of water magic, none hitting the demon as she dodged side to side, easily seeing through her tactics. The smirk on her face, the absolute confidence in her own abilities- It was what Noelle wanted and need right now. But there was no time for that.

Earth Creation Magic: Reaching Arms

The Silva leaped into the air to try and avoid the hands that shot out of the ground, freshly made of earthen soil and rocks, clawing for prey. But the ceiling was low, and the Black Bull didn't have space to jump. Te demon took this as an opportunity and repeated her spell, allowing limbs from the ceiling to grow and latch onto Noelle, sticking her to the roof of the cave.

Demon Magic: Ray of Darkness

Noelle panicked, thinking that this witch wanted her to be captured alive, taking the situation lightly. So she improvised, and took her wand and stabbed all of the hand grabbing her and leaped to the side, only for the magic blast to shoot with a wide span of destruction. The water mage was able to fall awkwardly to the side, but one arm stuck to her leg. The hot ray of destruction penetrated part of her foot. The silver haired girl winced in pain before stumbling to regain her footing and crying out-

"Sea Dragon's Roar!" Her aim was slightly off, and the attack only grazed the woman's neck, after she had side stepped. But the force of the spell cut a gash in her neck and the demon scowled.

"Insolent child," she muttered, wiping the icky green blood off her neck with her pale fingers. She once again aimed her wand for Noelle. She couldn't afford another hit, but sher was tired. Just to dodge, maybe this spell would be her last in terms of mana. The demon fired another ray. Noelle rolled out of the way, her right arm harshly scraping against the floor. Before she got up, the witch prepared another blast. Noelle was domed. She watched as the blast of power and magic shot toward her, and so was her end. Instead of dying however, a shadow covered her view.

"Sorry I took so long-"


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