Chapter 16: Trip to Hage

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Asta POV

"What?" Asta's hushed voice was deadly quiet. The Captain of the Purple Orcas dared to speak up, standing and pushing his chair back. Despite this Magic Knight being one of the lowest of them, his legs trembled in fear at something he could not see.

"It's too dangerous, we can't-"

"Can't what? We are Magic Knights, we're supposed to save people, right?" No one dared to oppose. Stuck up as many of them were, none of them could talk back.

"Kid, although I want to save my own kin, we can barely even keep off the servants of this demon. Even if we surpassed out limits . . ." Yami puffed out a plume of smoke from his cigarette, still leaning back in his chair. Asta desperately tried to come back, raging inside.

"But I've killed demons before, I can face off this one too if only-" Nozel was the one to interrupt.

"We must protect the citizens before we consider anyone else. Noelle is captured by the demon, we cannot care for her, we can only hope she escapes on her own." The Captain of the Silver Eagles showed no emotion, his eyes closed, and his lips sealed in a permanent frown. Asta curled his lip in disgust.

"You don't care about your own sister? What is wrong with you?" The anti-magic user looked around, and each of the nine captains didn't meet his stare. Asta looked to the Wizard King himself, who just shook his head.

"You all are weak. To be a Magic Knight is to be strong, and brave, and to save people. At least that's what I thought. Death mission or not I'm going." Asta began to leave the room, and Charlotte of the Blue Roses stood up.

"You didn't try," the ash-blonde boy spat before slamming the doors and leaving the palace. Charlotte closed her mouth and sat back down.

Death mission, huh? The short boy sat down and contemplated his decision. He wasn't going back. He would save Noelle, no matter what it took. Before he left, however, he had a place to go . . .




Ooh Pwetty

Sister Lily POV (enjoy it while it lasts)

Dinnertime was a very stressful time. At least to Sister Lily. Everyone was waiting for their food and she was the one to prepare it. Set the table, heat the stove, chop the potatoes, boil the potatoes, sprinkle like one grain of salt and repeat five billion times. So when she finally got to sit down and enjoy her boiled potato with the rest of the family, it annoyed the nun. Because when she was halfway through her potato, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," Sister Lily complied before walking to the door. Behind her she could hear Father Orsi murmuring something like-

"Please don't let it be the taxes, please don't let it be the taxes," Over and over and over again. As she opened the door it squeaked and the door hinges cracked. It was really time to get a new door, but there wasn't the money to back that up. Sister Lily was completely ready to shout at whoever dared interrupted dinner, but she didn't expect-

"Asta?" Sister Lily was shocked at the view of ash-blonde hair and green eyes. The young teen apologized for coming in at this time, but the water mage simply led him into the dining room to eat with the others. After he had sat down and everyone had welcomed him, Nash scowled and found his way to Asta's spot through the crowd of orphans.

"Come to ask for Sister Lily's hand in marriage? Cau-"

"No." Father Orsi choked on his dry potatoes, and Sister Lily patted him on the back really hard. Rebbeca spat out her water, and the rest of the children were confused.

"Is Nii-chan sick?" One of the younger children asked. Sister Lily frowned and examined Asta. His eyes were duller than usual. She smiled and walked over to the short boy.

"Oh dear, oh dear." She pulled Asta by the hand, which took a few seconds before he followed. The rest of the orphans stared at the two, confused. Sister Lily opened the door and spoke,

"There's seconds in the kitchen," The children cheered and ran towards the cooking room, completely ignoring the scene before them. Father Orsi followed, trying to keep the young ones under control. Sister Lily led the Black Bull into the back of the old church.

"So what happened?" Sister Lily asked kindly, bending down to pick a wild bluebell flower. He probably got another curse, or found a new friend, or perhaps facing another demon. There was countless things that could happen and did happen to this odd boy.

"My . . friend got kidnapped." Asta explained with difficulty. He bent down and picked up a Impatiens flower in full bloom, examining the pink petals with silver tips.

"Hmmm," The water mage asked, twirling the small flower in her hand. Asta said nothing, then looked at the petal. He took in a breath and scrutinized the rare wildflower.

"Sister Lily, what is love?"

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