Chapter 7: Burning Village

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We are now moving to the second half (or arc) of the seventeenth year. Yay? Thanks for 400+ reads! And 70 votes already? That was faster than my other book! :P Thank you all lovely people for supporting my book.






















And all of you silent readers out there-

(I tried to include y'all but if I keep going I'm never going to finish this chapter)

Thank you all so so much for supporting this story, but especially


For supporting me from the very beginning. :)

Okay sorry for the long intro, time for the story!

Noelle POV (two weeks later)

Noelle stood in front of her Black Bull's captain as she waited for her next assignment. All of the other Black Bulls were lined up with her, awaiting his orders. Noelle fidgeted with her hands, nervous of what she assigned to next.

"Noelle, Luck, Magna," Captain Yami spoke, breathing out smoke from his cigarette. Said names stepped up, and Noelle wrinkled her nose and coughed from the scent of the smoke in her face.

"Bandits are coming for the far sides of the kingdom, only small towns, but several of the villages have been attacked.You must stop them by tomorrow's sundown."

"Yay!" Luck threw his hands up in the air, electricity crackling at his hands.

"Let's go fight the strong bandits!' He said smiling. Noelle sighed.

Bandits? Seriously?

"Don't underestimate your opponents," Captain Yami said, once again blowing out cloudy smoke.

"Yes, sir!" they said in unison, before walking out the door.

"Good lu~uck" Vanessa called back in a sing-song voice. As the trio reached outside, Finral made a portal for them and they jumped through. Noelle shut her eyes, then once her feet reached solid ground again, she opened them, arriving at her destination.

The sky was like cement mixed with tomato soup, plumes of smoke polluting the air and fires burning down the small village. Cries filled the air as buildings collapsed, hay roofs quickly burning up. People were running around in fear, shouting unheard in the roar of unforgiving fire.

"We should spread out!' Noelle yelled, trying to be heard in the center of chaos. "Magna, don't burn anything else down, and Luck, go fight all of the bandits you can find! I'll try to douse the water," Magna scoffed and mumbled something before running to a building and removing rubble from a small family. Luck seemed happy with his assignment, and jumped off, electricity sparkling at his feet. Noelle didn't have to move one step to find her first problem. She swiveled around and shot quick burst of water, each house she doused; reduced to rumbling ruins. Noelle faithfully continued her work, trying to wash every house.




"No! Stop it!" The young Silva heard a cry and quickly came to aid whoever was left. She skidded over to an ally that wasn't being burned to ashes. There was a small girl, shaking slowly as her ruby red curled hair swirled around her soot-covered face. Her ember-green eyes filled with tears as she fell to the ground, sobbing. Three people laid on the ground, two closer to the girl, a male and female, with iced daggers piercing their chests. The other was a man, one of the bandits. He wore a red headband, as she had noticed, was the mark that the bandits wore. This young girl had knocked him out, probably after he had stabbed her parents. But he was already getting up groaning.

"You sure can use your fire, girlie." The bandit slowly stood up, wiping his mouth and slowly standing up.

"Shut up," Noelle scowled.

"Sea Dragon's Roar!" she called, shooting the magic water at his face, slamming him into several other bandits, who yelled angrily at their fellow chaos maker.

"Wh-who are you?" the small girl whispered.

"I'm a Magic Knight, here to save people like you. Are you okay?" Noelle asked, crouching down to the girl's eye level.

"Y-yeah' she stuttered, stepping back a bit.

"I'm Noelle, 17 years old. What's your name?" The pale-haired girl gently tucked a lock of red hair behind the girl's ear. The girl flinched at the contact.

"Ruby, seven." Ruby, sat on the floor. Noelle smiled.

"Nice to meet you Ruby, but I have to go." The female Black Bull walked away, stopping when she felt a tug at her skirt.

"How- how can I help people like me?" Ruby asked looking up to the water mage with wet pure green eyes. Noelle stopped, turned around to face the girl, and sat down.

"I have two very easy steps for you to follow. Are you listening?" Ruby nodded eagerly, awaiting her orders.

"One," she said, holding up her index finger. "Train super hard to use your fire magic correctly, and be able to ride a magic broom." Ruby nodded, getting closer to her face.

"Two, when you turn fifteen, get your magic grimoire and try out for Magic Knights." Ruby's eyes sparkled with hope.

"Got it!" she said, beaming.

Noelle left, leaving the girl. Yes, she spoke to the girl, hopefully she would become a Magic Knight, but she did not expect to see her around a decade later, only for her to become one of the most important person in her life.

Wow, can you say spoilers? Anyway, I hope you liked this chapter! :D And remember, this is fanfiction. It will not exactly fit the writing. The whole point of fanfiction is to write something that probably wouldn't happen. So this timeline will be very mixed, and I will take certain aspects and move them around. Anywho, thanks for reading, and sorry for the short chapter. Thanks Xerox87 for the name! I didn't pick Emma because Ruby fits better and it would feel weird writing about myself?

Published: Feb 8, 2021

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