Chapter Nine

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Hanyo's Pov
"Alright here everything's packed up, try and have fun yeah?" My eyes flicked around the backpack I was packing, a low little hum leaving me while I zipped it up. My body spun around where I saw Yamiko kicking his feet a couple times. I perked up a little noticing he was facing the floor.

"Hey what's the matter?" I called out gently noticing his mood had shifted quite a lot since we got back from Ino's flower shop.

I thought he would be a little more excited since the would be spending more time with his friends. And I think as kids they still need time to be kids even with going on life threatening ninja missions every few weeks.

I messed with my curly hair a couple times dropping down to his height.  He looked almost embarrassed but he spoke.

"How come you aren't mad at me..." Once more I was just confused looking at him.

"Why would I be mad at you sweetie? You haven't done anything, you've been working hard a lot." But I just listened to him blurt out so hard exclaiming out at me, his own curly hair bouncing in place.

"Because I like a boy... Why aren't you yelling at me or upset that I don't like a girl... That I'm not also gonna help the Uchiha clan..." Once more I could finally see Sasuke's temper and emotional state coming out from him. Yamiko started a deep rant gesturing around but I quickly spoke over him.

"Yamiko!" He jumped a bit in place and looked back at me.

"What mom!" He exclaimed back in the same tone as me. We both shared a very soft quick laugh with one another it was just how we were. I would know if it was pissed beyond anything.

"So with Inojin, do you two actually enjoy being with one another? You think when you both get older you can make it work?" I questioned gently. Yamiko made have been a year older then the rest of the kids, but he still had a big heart.

"He's amazing mom... He makes me happy." A soft smile made its way over my features before I cupped at his face to wipe away the tears that suddenly left him.

"Then I don't mind who you like or love sweetie alright? Boy or girl, even if they are different as long as they love you for you that's all that matters stop crying alright." I chuckled gently and wiped his tears more.

"Love is love alright? Now go enjoy the sleepover okay." I stood up placing the backpack around him. I was always gonna baby him.

"I love you so much mom!" A startled yelp left me when he tackled me so fast hugging me on the floor.

"I love you too sweetie!"

With the whole apartment to myself, me time was something hard to come by. But I took the time to clean up the apartment. I took a long bath that was needed to soak my sore muscles with also having my own job to help pay the rent and bills.

Tying the robe more over my body my hair dropped out from the towel in little ringlets shaking them out I grabbed the sake bottle I was drinking from jumping a little when I heard the door. It kinda clicked when I remembered Sasuke was coming over.

I drank the rest of the bottle setting the empty bottle down, I rushed over to the door yanking it open, locking eyes with Sasuke. His eyes seemed to drift a bit his eyes grew wide and his cheeks grew red.

"I was just taking a bath, but come in." I chuckled holding the door opened for him. He stepped inside, taking his cloak off right away and his black sandals I shut the door behind me. Heading straight to the living room.

I plopped down on the couch the effects of the sake now in my blood stream.

"What did you wanna talk about Sasuke? Cause it's gonna have to be quick cause I'm gonna fall asleep soon." I muttered watching Sasuke keeping his eyes on me. He seemed to be studying me a lot before he was sighing loudly rubbing at his head.

"Of course you had been drinking... be careful I wonder what your tolerance is but then again you could barely eat spicy food." a loud gasp left me when I looked at him to see him smiling and chuckling.

"I could eat spicy ramen excuse you, it was hot curry I couldn't eat." I shook with light laughter the little peace between us was never awkward and it really did amaze me.

"I wanted to talk to you about basically... What I've been feeling." I slowly propped my hand up in confusion but nodded my head at him for him to continue.

"For the sake I don't wanna end things messy with her, and at the same time I don't wanna pretend that I'm still in love with her. So me and Sakura are getting a divorce, and I've already told her why. I can't pretend anymore when it's always been you I've been in love with."

To say my eyes didn't almost bulge out would have been an understatement but my heart hammered just a few times.

"I guess we can say the same thing then since I'm still in love with you too Sasuke."

"I'm gonna need some of that sake."

"In the fridge."

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